How is the one horse dog faced pony soldier working out

Uhm, I’ve won three pizza bets from you. That I really like to think you gave to that homeless shelter you claim to have. You thought the Republicans were going to pick up seats in 2018. They lost 41. You thought Biden wouldn’t debate Trump. And you thought Hillary was going to end up with the nomination in 2020. Those are three specific bets you made with me. Who’s wrong? The debate and nomination one don’t bother me. Whatever. But you actually thought in 2018 that the Republicans would pick up seats? I mean what kind of bubble do you have to live in to believe that? Talk about sheopled.

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What ever dude but the truth is, you posted a picture and were ignorant that the one of the right was his wife. Applying that level of accuracy, I don’t believe you are even capable of posting the correct picture.


Nice make believe world you live in. Enjoy. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Do you honestly not remember? I can post them.

Well we are not living in the 40s and 50s. Wake up, not woke up.

Hello, welcome to realty

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Oh memories. :slight_smile: You actually don’t remember this do you? So that pizza never went the homeless shelter. Damn.

At what point did you prove I didn’t know who the lady on the right is. You can’t even admit what is on the video and the audio. Did I ever say "that’s not Ivana? Had you says "is that his ex wife ? Then I would have agreed. Remember when this deposition was taken ? Was he married to Ivana or Melania then?

Nine Eleventy times worser!


Is there a special counsel report from Trump’s own AG selected that says Trump is addled?

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No but we do have Trumps Ag saying directly “He’s toast”.
We also have Trump himself constantly boasting that he’s passing all these cognitive tests, at rallies.
Strange thing to do while attacking your opponent of mental decline.
God he’s soooo bad at politics.
Pick a winning battle.

Then the two situations are not comparable. Let’s not pretend.


Bidens own DoJ says he broke the law, but they won’t prosecute because the angry old man is an imbecile.

Fine, congress needs to impeach him.


True it shows Bidens AG is independent from the President also his son being indicted.
That should give credibility to the cases against Trump don’t you think.

You don’t understand how this works.

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Of course not. Anyways…
But I believe the investigation was independent because of those unnecessary statements.
I don’t believe Biden intervenes with the justice system and both his and Trumps cases/investigations are credible.

C’mon don’t do this, I can listen to you opining on the EU and not resort to platitudes (even though your mostly wrong!).

The investigation was not done by the DOJ. The independent special counsel is independent of the DOJ.

Garland picked him and Garland screwed up.

This is not a reflection on the integrity of the DOJ. Hur still did not recommend prosecution knowing full well Trump is being prosecuted for the same thing.

And just because one counsel was mostly honest does not have bearing on the honesty of the other.

All of this, every bit of it, has one goal-keeping Trump from getting reelected. And they are more than willing to sacrifice Brandon or anybody else to do it.


Statement of Fact.

That doesn’t make sense as the democrats are fully behind him being their nominee.
Also Maga is quick to point out they are not voting for the man but his policies.
Then smear the opponent maybe because he has been successful in policy for democrats.

Have a nice day.

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