How far have we come? How much better-off are we since the COVID bottom?

How far have we come?
How much better-off are we since the COVID bottom?

Well ,we get to leave the house, and we no longer get ticketed for walking in the park or going to a beach.
We are no longer threatened with . . . . (checks notes) . . . .
detention facilities for the unvaccinated,
fines or imprisonment for questioning the efficacy of the vaccine.

Phew, I am glad that’s over. Yes, we are better off.
Nearly a third of our Democrat-registered neighbors wanted us put in camps if we refused vaccination and nearly half of them wanted us imprisoned if we asked questions about the vax.

It’s good to know who we are dealing with.
It’s good to know what kind of people they are.
We are better-off now because we know how the other side truly thinks.
This is who they are.

I have no doubt the next time a strong wind blows, they will again recommend camps and imprisonment for their political opponents. It is now easy to see how this has happened so many times before in history.


But what about financially?
Are we better off financially than the COVID bottom?

In Q2 2020, the real annualized GDP was $19t
Most recently (Q2 2024) it was $22.9t
We are now 20% better off. We are $3.9t per year better off.
That totals nearly $16t in the 4 years since the COVID bottom.

We have run up the national debt by $8t (was $26.5t, now $34.6t.)

Yes we are better off financially.
We borrowed half of it from our children.

You meme is injustice. :wink:

Well, we got a very valuable lesson during COVID.
We learned who our neighbors really are.
So we are better off.

Well, the bottom could have been very very low.
But the actual bottom was not all that bad, so spending so much, borrowing so much from our children and never paying it back, seems like an awfully expensive and immoral way to give ourselves so little.

I’m seeing about 3000 U.S. deaths in Aug.

We’ve come a LOOONNGGG way when that doesn’t even get reported on major news sites.

You took a 5 year period of fun from 0.01% of my generation and tried to turn it into a lifetime.

Even when I was smoking weed, I still worked.

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And if the non-recourse loans during covid had been larger would there fewer deaths now?
What about Build Back Better?
If we had doubled that, would there be fewer deaths now?

Writing checks and threatening to jail people for questioning a questionable vaccine did not save a single life. The questions how far have we come?

Covid was the trial run for full authoritarian rule and massive censorship. If Kamshaft is allowed to pack the courts with progressive demons, expect this to get much worse.

How much better-off are we?

I no longer consider op-eds like these (sometimes on the front page) yo be musing far-off hypotheticals:

But the timing of the appearance of the COVID virus next to the Wuhan lab was perfect for maximizing the chance to remove Trump as president.

A million dead Americans is a small price to pay . . .