How Exactly Is This Divisive?

Don’t care what they sing or what they call it myself.


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Oh, that already happened here on these very forums. :wink:


Deflector Shields UP!

I know…why do whites put their deflector shields up like that?


CRT in schools.

Ok now I am mad.

from Op-Ed: Everyone Should Acknowledge Juneteenth — But Don’t Celebrate It Unless You’re Black

Our food has become gentrified (white people have really bleeped up mac and cheese.)

You never had my mac and cheese lady.

If it doesn’t have bacon it’s not (real) mac and cheese.

“On June 19th 1865, two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation “freed” the slaves, Major General Gordon Granger and his Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas and told those still enslaved that they were free.”

Random thought here, but it would’ve been epic if the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry showed up to tell them. lol

You’re welcome for that burn!

Ya’ll remember the Redneck National Anthem by Vernon Oxford? Good stuff.

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Funny story about that song from a long time ago. Stopped at a diner with a friend and both our wives at four in the morning, upstate New York right on Lake Ontario. While we were eating, drunken rednecks started pouring in, laughing and stumbling their way to tables and counter seats. Somebody played that song and we had never heard it, but the situation was so perfect we could not help but laugh and laugh and laugh. I’m about half redneck myself, it wasn’t derisive laughter, but it was just so damn hilarious! These guys were HARDCORE and a couple of them looked like they had been in a fight and maybe lost lol. And the food was good, so what the hell. :slight_smile:

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Yep, hated it. Was it ever sung at the White House on the 4th?

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I’d say about half of my friends are self-described rednecks and they have a pretty good sense of humor about it.

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I do not know! Maybe during the Carter administration? The song was released in the late '70s and Carter seems like a Vernon Oxford fan.

I had to look it up, and sure enough, it’s from the 70’s. :rofl:

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I believe the ironic escapes em. :wink:


"And a couple that complain white folks got no soul, "

That’s blatantly false. It’s a well known fact that Gingers earn a freckle for every soul they steal. :wink:


I would’ve gone with “By The Time I Get To Arizona” but this is pretty good.

And they mock us by putting one as press secretary.
