How effective would e-verify actually be?

It does

All persons born or

Not and.

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Under the current laws they are, which is neither here nor there in regard to the question of whether the constitution demands they be granted such. Trump could issue an executive order to test it in court at any time and should.

Keep reading.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

There was no intent for those unlawfully present in the US to be afforded birthright citizenship for their offspring.

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No need. What are you trying to argue, jurisdiction? That won’t fly.

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Specious logic. Yes, an amendment is the only thing that could prevent a future congress from granting illegal aliens citizenship. Which has nothing to do with whether the current one requires they be given it. You can say the same thing on just about any legislative issue, that the only way to make absolutely sure no future congress passes a new law on something can be prevented with a constitutional amendment prohibiting them from doing so. It’s a non-sequitur.

It will with a majority of originalists on the court.

The problem here, whatever the absolute original intent, is that the actual outworking of birthright citizenship is to encourage people from impoverished countries to have their babies in America at the extensive cost to the US taxpayer, particularly middle class taxpayers. There is a reason that no sane country allows this.

No it won’t. There is no argument anybody can make that anyone born and physically present inside the country is not subject to the jurisdiction. Hell, just physically present is enough.

That dog won’t hunt.


You have to keep the mothers out.

Their parents have to be legally present under the original intent.

You cannot provide anything that shows there was an intent by those who drafted or ratified the 14th to include children born to parents not legally present in the US.

Notice how on the left in one breath they claim you’re responsible for who you hire but on another breath they write laws to make it easier to be sued for asking.

Again I wish libs make up their minds.


You’re wrong. Born. There is no requirement for the parents to be anything.

And… Stop chopping it off.

And e-verify will not do that.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Where does it say anything about the parents at all?


Of course it won’t.

I don’t know where you getting that idea, but you’re wrong.

Here folks is you classic authoritarian…one that demand to hold “we the People” responsible while ignoring the proper role of goverment in secure our borders.


That’s the problem I have as well…scary IMO.

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Hear him! Hear him!