How dangerous have libs become in our society

That has nothing to do with pointing out that eating meat st every meal everyday is really weird and uncommon through the history of humanity.

So knowing that, I find it odd you’re freaking out about kids not having meat in one meal out of the week. It makes no damn sense to do so.

It seems even weirder to me when you consider that for decades conservatives were against free school lunch, now they are demanding that free lunch have
meat? I just don’t get what you’re after here, at all, or why.

And, have you seen what it is they call meat at schools? Remember pink slime? You really know what’s In that “pepperoni” you’re demanding the kids be served?


Meat - the other white meat.


It’s about grooming kids that I have problem with.

Don’t you think it odd after libs little princess come out against eating meat…and couple days later NY comes out with meatless Mondays?

Again…what do toy care what I eat?

Aren’t you the one grooming them by force feeding them reconstructed meat at every meal? Forcing them into a diet that has been unnatural throughout all of human history?

I don’t find it odd at all that people are looking at fat and unhealthy kids, looking at the pepperoni pizza or reconstructed “chicken” patty and chocolate milk on their plate and saying 'well this is a dumb thing to feed them everyday"

No one cares what you eat, again, why are you trying to force weird ass franken-meats onto not-your-kids paid and free lunch plates?

This wasn’t sudden. It started a year ago as a pilot program in a portion of the district, and was expanded to the whole district based on positive feedback from parents and students.

I suspect most students would prefer a cheese enchilada to mystery meatloaf anyway.

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The fear reeks of old socks, sagging recliners, and filthy TV remotes.

That’s one of the great things about America, I can eat what I want, when I want, I’ve told people for years, The Republicans want you to live life as you want too, The Democrats want you to live your life as they want you too.FACT

Unless your homosexual.FACT

I have homosexual brother living with AIDS that I love, we don’t care what you do, just don’t push a sexual lifestyle onto others and we’ll be fine.
God is another story, he’s very clear about such behavior, but, that’s on them, not me :slight_smile:

You guys spent an enormous amount of effort trying to keep gays from getting married.

because of the benefit factors or something, and “You guys” is not accurate, I didn’t try to do anything

Conservatives spent an enormous amount of effort trying to keep gays from getting married.

The current crop of liberals are certainly a far cry from the :musical_score: kumbaya :musical_score: bleeding heart tree huggers of the past and sadly I don’t think there any gentle liberals left!

There is no common ground between Liberty & Freedom and Socialism and Tyranny which is what LIBERALISM has devolved into in this country.

no text

Where was the cows mentioned in the green new deal?

Funny how libs hide behind liberalism to achieve their authoritarianism and now once they’re in power they want to lock liberalism away. :wink:

ICAM!! …:us: MAGA :us: We need the TRUMP card more then ever!

Indeed! Their gentle ways were just a means to an end to spring their viciousness on the country.

“They’re” in power now?

When aren’t conservatives the victims?

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I thought you guys wanted us to be mad and toughen up? That was the main campaigning point in ‘16