“How can you not hate white people?”

Did you reply to the wrong post?

but yet they vote dem all the time… hmmm. wonder why

Are you willing to share any of your hypotheses on the matter?

so you a white middle age man, is going to define who is and isn’t black in America.


when she was younger was she allowed to use the white only sections of town? was she allowed to attend a white only school before segregation?

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am i also not allowed to define what is not cherokee? lol

are you part of a Indian tribe? if not you don’t get to define who is and isn’t part of said tribe.

  • from the desk of a real Indian.

haha. umkay.

warren is cherokee. we got it. please forgive us

but enough about her

If the tribe accept her then she is part of the tribe.

you don’t get to define who is and isn’t part of a tribe.

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neither does she.

link to the post in which I said she does.

i’d like to know how anyone raised in say, Detroit inner city can not hate black people


no one outside of you has suggest racial resentment doesn’t exist.

but no one asks quite like matthews huh?

Iv explained why the question is important.
and your inability to grasp why is the reason why Republican will never win over minorities.


no you havent. you blathered just enough useless crap to pretend you explained things. common trick in here when the left is faced with its own racist idiocy

you didnt explain squat.

Were you raised in the inner city of Detroit?

was matthews raised in jim crow south?

Is that necessary to think that the way blacks were treated is wrong?


Amazing. Simply amazing.

How do you decide who is black and who isn’t?

Life in Prison

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