How bad is the D Field of Presidential Candidates?

Why don’t you ask the three known true conservatives on this board about it.

Why is a conservative “sticking it out” with a NY lib considered good?

Not the plan at all. The plan is to beat Trump on Trump Bad.
And it could work…but there is a good chance it wont with the current batch.
I doubt Trump gets re elected…until I see the pool of potential nominees of the other party.

Wrong. Particularly Warren has a whole website of plans. Read up on them.

It’s called balance, one can call Trump and idiot and still have a plane to improve policy where Trumps twitter fingers touched.

Well the basic response is because it is the lesser of two evils, but that negates trumps actual credibility of the good he has done. But being liberal is that much worse than what ever imaginative monster trump is made out to be.

It is all of our responsibilities to communicate good ideas and reject ones that have no merit. The candidates are our REPRESENTATIVES not our policy minders. It is in my own interest to see ideas of merit from the party I least identify with. When I see ideas that are so poor as to be rejected out of hand…I consider that as no idea and a waste of effort.

I suppose this is the type of frustration that forces people into this horrible arena of politics.


The means justify the ends huh? Trump consistently surrounds himself with criminals… attacks people (bullies) in an open forum… commits fraud in some of his businesses (Trump Charity). And so on. His judgement is horrendous and you expect people to ignore that? Especially conservatives?

You are advocating chance as a better option.

Medical professionals won’t work well without a socio-economic motivation.


Why dont you quote my whole post? Liberals are that much worse than the monster they make trump out to be.

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Same tactic they are using against Trump with the secret testimony and leaks.



Liberals are powerful enough to make Trump a monster? Why isn’t ANYTHING ever Trumps fault?

Did libs force him to cheat on his wife with a porn star, then pay her off to avoid having it become a campaign issue?

Did libs force him to lie about the affair? Lie about the pay off?

Did libs force him to lie about the Moscow tier deal?

Did libs force him to abandon an ally in Syria?

Did libs force him hire Rudy Giuliani? Or Michael Cohen? Flynn? Papa? Manafort?

Tell me, what did libs do to make him a monster that he already wasn’t before he announced his presidency?

I did not like his chance so much until I saw this group of candidates at work for a few months.

I now like his chance very well, no matter how much they tarnish him with the Society of Secret Impeachers.

The D field is a vacuous group of shallow thinkers with forgettable personalities.

Free stuff…vote for me…



Who would that be?

I think Papadopoulous was entrapped.

We should get some clarity on this soon.

I can wait for the facts and evidence.

No Society of Secret Impeachers for me.


Good question. “Living Constitution / Final Arbiters”?

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Hello pot meet kettle.

Cool, one person on that list. How did libs force Trump into all of those situations?

Name one Democrat who has even half that list… I’ll wait.

But you avoided the question… which one of those issues did libs force Trump into?

They didn’t and it doesn’t look like Trump was in them. Libs created situations and Trump’s minions were too stupid to recognize them for what they were.


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