How a real patriot celebrates Memorial Day

Sigh - if you really believe Trump is running his business from the WH and that he is responsible for the Memorial day sale advertisement, then your hatred of Trump is blinding you. Or maybe its simply TDS kicking in.


Actually what has to be provided is that he licensed his name for the product or to the business.

Thanks to @Jezcoe - “the buck stops somewhere over” down yonder

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Yes right after we get proof that Obama personally put the Mao decoration onto that tree. Andy Warhol Obama


But we all know that Trump supporters were never critical of Obama just his policies. They were never mad about a tan suit, mustard, chewing gum etc. and they never ever bought into the conspiracy theories surronding his birth.

Yes between 2001 and 2008 we didn’t even have a president.

Wait until 2021 or 2025. Trump will be a figment of our imagination

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The woman who would have made a better president than the joke we have now.

I remember when that used to be a big topic here. It hasn’t been but I’ll bet it is on other con websites.

Or your TDS that made you come up with that lame answer since you know the candidate is in charge of his online merch.

Yet is a conservative brings her up most of the libs on the board simply state, she lost get over it.

So Mad

She lost, get over it. :smiley: :smiley:

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The majority of the country voted for her. She was the people’s choice.

Says the liberals who posted a story about what she did on Memorial Day. Yeah, it’s us bringing her up.

That conservative OP. Am I right?

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Not the right people.

She knew the game wasn’t popular vote, but Electoral collage vote.

Like saying a team with 500 yards (passing and rushing) beat a team with 400 yards (passing and rushing) . . . then looking at the score and seeing the one with 400 yards scored 14 points, and the one with 500 hards scored 7.

Are there conservative patriots?

Idk. But if there are… Trump will give you 25% off of buying one.


After 28 months of Trump and the Republicans running the DOJ, why is Hillary still out walking free???

8 of those points were illegal though so actually the team with 7 points won.

Keep telling yourself that . . . keep telling yourself that. But The Don is your president till at least Jan 2021 and hopefully until Jan 2025

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They’ve been busy getting the wall built, erasing the debt, and replacing Obamacare with something more efficient and costing only a fraction.

All of those are beautiful, by the way. You’d know that if you stopped relying on the Deep State fake news lib mob media for your news because they refuse to report on his many successes.


Actually I was joking about Trump making up numbers of illegal voting in order for him to have won the popular vote. Which he did. Because he deemed it important. His administration sees the value in the lie, in saying “the American people voted for X” to justify their crappy agenda despite losing the popular vote by millions.