House judiciary committee approves articles of impeachment against President trump

No it doesn’t.

Show they only wanted it for “show”

Had they really been concerned, they could have held the vote last night.

They NEED the show to continue. And that’s all it is a show.

Do you even know Donald Trump?

China and the U.S. have reached an agreement on text of a phase one trade deal and will now move toward signing a deal as quickly as possible, Chinese officials said Friday.

Why yes, yes he is.

even with the Dem’s ■■■■ show going on, he’s still getting stuff done.

For sure, if the Trump worshipers in the House made a big stink about SECRET depositions being taken in the BASEMENT BUNKER (…so scary… and evil)… you know they would’ve whined about a “dead of night” vote.


The house hasn’t passed any bills since they started these hearings?

Lord knows that is some EVIL stuff right there!


We can’t have the people seeing what is going on.


It is downRIGHT un-American!


Demanding an investigation be announced publicly.
Insisting that the vote be delayed until daytime TV.

Compare and contrast.

Of course

How many of those already sitting on Moscow Mitch’s desk, that the Democratic controlled House have passed this session has he brought to the Senate floor, since these Impeachment hearings started?

Further passing legislation is a part of their job, it isn’t the only part.

Nadler was worried that Jordan was staying up too late. It had nothing to do with TV showtime.

Doesn’t hold water. Republicans on the committee wanted the vote last night.

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Awww poor babies. Did they cry too?

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Nope. That comes with the Senate vote.

Your concern about decorum is noted.

And for anyone who cared or wasted more of their life watching, they saw a 100% partisan vote.
I’ll bet the alphabet networks are wetting themselves with joy?
I’d bet one of my SS checks a majority of tv droids don’t even know what the ‘peachment process is or how it proceeds or even what the next step is.
Keep an eye on the House vote, there’s going to be some Dims whose phony baloney jobs might be at risk come November ‘20 should they choose yea over nay!

Bragging about a President being Impeached. Cool stuff.

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Good for them.

Too bad that Dems hold the majority.

Gaetz probably wanted it to end so when he got wasted at the White House Ball, he didn’t have to show up for work before noon.

Why would I brag to see my Congress abuse their power for partisan political purposes?
That’s the job of Democrats.

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So you were okay with the 7 Benghazi hearings that all came to the same conclusion?

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I know we are anonymous but I promise I was not a member of any of those committees.