Homophobic Weirdos

Is it about homosexuals homosexing?


This appears to be a 1st world privilege thread.

When trivial stuff like this gets one riled up…life must be pretty good.

AKA the only world you know.

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Did you see the movie? If not, welcome to the club.

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Life is pretty good. I’ve been happily married for decades. I have children who are prospering. They’ve gifted me grandchildren who also bring me great joy. I want this for all but this movie paints a different picture of happiness, that promotes sadness and a much higher suicide rate. It’s a mirage of happiness that’s currently being promoted by forces attempting to reshape our American culture and I totally disagree with it.


I had not even heard of the movie…although I may have seen a trailer at one of the times I went to the movies.

That being said, I am not a fan of any romantic comedies, And I can see any movie for free at AMC.(my son is a GM there, and we have this cool gold card, that gets us into any movie, including Dolby…which is awesome.)


This is dumb. I mean, who’s the audience for this movie… typically straight guys don’t watch rom coms with heterosexual relationships … why would they suddenly change their mind for a rom com with two dudes or even two females?

Is the audience straight women? I doubt that… rom coms work for women because they see themselves in the fantasy of it. Although I think straight women are more likely to see this movie, I still don’t think it’s enough.

It’s not for kids, so that significantly reduces the potential audience.

It can be a good movie with a bad box office showing. Children of Men is one of my all time favorite movies… bombed at the box office.

Sure, there are probably many people who didn’t see it because they don’t want to see gay dudes as the main characters… but that doesn’t mean it’s why it failed.

I think it’s about two people falling in love.

… and that’s ok.

Is it? If promoting the taking of this path, knowing it leads to a much higher rate of depression and suicide, you believe that’s ok?

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And I find those movies cliche and boring. Same plots all the time.

But I’m a homophobic weirdo for not wanting to see this one.


He has earlier tweets basically saying if you are straight this movie isn’t for you. lol

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I don’t like rom coms either. You’re not a homophobic weirdo for not wanting to see this movie.

Yes. 100%

Please, just stop.

According to one person’s opinion.

Shake it off, you will be ok.

Then I fail to understand your logic that’s led you to this conclusion. That said, I am NOT for singling out or embarrassing homosexuals. This is their choice but to encourage it to those that may be young or just curious, knowing it has a strong probability of leading to sadness and suicide, is something that makes no sense what so ever, unless there’s a dark spot with in leading this charge.

Now here’s a typical lib whine. When a commentary on lib stupidity hits too close to home, libs say it’s a matter of people who participate in the discussion getting “riled up.”

Of course, the lib dogpiles in their favored threads aren’t a matter of getting “riled up”. Oh no, of course not. :roll_eyes:

Seems to me, your attempt at snarky deflection here is your expression of getting riled up by a truth-hurts thread.

No…it is not a choice. Just as being attracted to the opposite sex is not a choice.

I can only imagine the reaction if I called someone in that 12 letter community something like that.

Just makes me not want to see anything done by him. His mission is accomplished.