Homophobic Weirdos

I hate rom-coms. My girl knows I hate them. I’m not a big movie guy unless it’s something really interesting - something that will make me want to sit in a theater for a few hours.

I didn’t see BROS. Which is apparently a movie with a mostly gay cast. It opened with a “disappointing” first week revenue report. And apparently it’s because of homophobic weirdos like me who have no desire to sit through rom-coms.

Language caution in story.

That’s just the world we live in, unfortunately. Even with glowing reviews, great Rotten Tomatoes scores, an A CinemaScore etc, straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros. And that’s disappointing but it is what it is.

"Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight!“

Anyone else here a homophobic weirdo?



well this is the typical intolerant hating authoritarian left

acceptance isnt good enough. endorsement still isnt enough. celebration is now not enough. you have to become them


I can attest that i wont be seeing two guys making out. I also wont be watching the hallmark christmas movies with their demasculated men prancing around.


What’s a rom con?

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Romantic comedy

Most Americans don’t care to see that kind of queer ■■■■ anyway, regardless of how cool the TV makes it out to be. You’re the rule, not the exception. :wink:


Not something I would watch on a streaming service for free or commercial free.

I will say that 4.8 million in one weekend sounds like a pretty good return on investment.

Not understanding the negative spin.

Except they spent more promoting the movie than they did making it. Approximately $22 million to make, $30 million in promotion.

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Variety did a great piece on this movie which delves into additional reasons why the movie bombed.

So Mike Lindell is 30 million times smarter than their ad department.

Good movies should sell themselves.

Didn’t look like it would be very expensive to produce. They dumped the whole advertising enchilada in to the wrong septic tank.

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Much of Hollywood and the entertainment community has decided that they will determine the world outlook of the population. Instead of playing to the norms, they will change the norms.
So far, that has been something of an expensive proposition for them.
We shall see if they love their new role more than money.


What the hell does this mean?


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A better description is I won’t allow their corrupted software to be run through my internal hard drive under the guise of entertainment. I don’t find it entertaining in any way, shape or form. If this is your choice, so be it but it isn’t mine.

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Ah yes when your movie bombs call everyone a homophobe.

That will do wonders for your future projects.


If all the gays went to see it it would do great at the box office, same as if all women would support the WNBA. The fact is that most people don’t want to see that ■■■■■


What makes the movie ■■■■ ? Have you seen it?

Just a couple weeks ago Viola Davis was saying people were racist for not supporting “The Woman King”. This kind of entitlement is beyond mental.


I was generalizing, calling failures like Bros and the WNBA ■■■■■ Another example is New Coke.

It means we ain’t in the club.