Hobby Distillers Association, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, et al., Defendants

Link to Opinion of the Court in Hobby Distillers Association, et al., Plaintiffs, v. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, et al., Defendants.

While this decision is on hold pending appeal, you may soon be able to legally set up a still and distill spirits at home.

The court ruled that neither Congress’s taxing power nor the Commerce Clause gave Congress power to enact the statute.


T is all but gone.

A is on its way out.

Let’s focus on the F.


Should have never been more than a convenience store, a privately owned one.

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In the UK it is legal to distill as long as its for personal consumption or personal fuel. Though you do have to get a rectifiers license which is free from HM Customs and Excise.



Sweet… And we don’t need the ATF. Not even sure why it was invented. Shut it down.


It was all about taxation. That’s why the position of “revenooer” (hunters of illegal stills) was created.


Back in my grandfathers day the federal government was so weak he ran them off his property with impunity. Those were the days.


I thought that under Federal law you could legally distill up to 100 gallons per year now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Laws or no laws from our corrupt government…the shine has continued to flow. Ahhhhhhhhhh…

…cheers. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Chevron has yet to shake out but to date Federal law hasn’t been much of a restraint on the regulatory agencies.

tobacco? you can grow pot to sell in some areas- but you can’t make moonshine

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Saw that one coming from a TV cable away. :rofl:

Ha unlike the TV license it’s free.

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But a “license” required all the same. :wink:

I hate shine. Aging is everything.

That doesn’t answer my question. How does this case change anything for hobby distillers? 100 gallons (per adult per household) per year is a lot of whiskey unless you’re either an avid entertainer or hopelessly alcoholic.

And then there is aged shine. Steep toasted oak chips in it for 2 years.

Yep … they call it caskless bourbon.