Hillary- "Many, Many, Many People" urging her to run

Too old…
Too whit… wait! Biden!

They can say triggered…I cannot find a gun emojee???


"She’s not the President of the United States. She’s a private citizen who I give two ■■■■■ about

For someone who doesn’t give a ■■■■■ you’re trying awfully hard.


She got thousand killed in Libya for no reason and dems will still vote for her…

that hillary… what she gonna say next?

Pure speculation, isn’t it?

The Hideous Hag stole the hearts of the American people?

She didn’t steal my heart. Is there anyone here who will admit she stole your heart?

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You’ve got her now!

Are you aware that Babylon Bee is a “satirical” “conservative” newspaper like The Onion?

The article is not real.

Every time I read Hannity boards and there is an OP about Hillary running in 2020, none are started by Democrats.

Good idea I like it! When you get down to it all the Trump threads are just i hate Trump when it comes down to it.

Dude, let them run with it!

we’ve been posting and commenting on babs bee articles for months now.

take a breath gang

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And I’m asking him to let you run with it

maybe all the media who keeps harping this topic can even set aside a daily segment

Every time a Trump supporter speculates/prays that Clinton will run, an angel gets his MAGA hat.


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you sure?

Would that be the “many, many, many” minds telling her to run again?

how about when all those in the news and media keep speculating?

does an angel get a ■■■■■■■■■■

The media that no Real American watches?
