Hillary- "Many, Many, Many People" urging her to run

I imagine those “many many many people” all had the last name of Clinton.

Oh no, you guys are triggered and elated all at the same time. It’s fun watching cons tripping over themselves hoping and praying Clinton runs again.

Sorry, but it ain’t happening but I know some dreams are hard to quit.

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everyone has but her it seems

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Yup, rent free and all that…

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Not quite true. It appears she’s still living rent free in some trump supporters heads.

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She won’t win!

Good God. “Triggered” the most annoying and over used cliche in the English language. Right up there with “snowflake.” :roll_eyes: Ugh. Enough of the lemming talk already.

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None of them will. That’s why they have been trying to impeach the President for three years. It’s their only hope. The clown car of bat ■■■■ crazy candidates have no hope,

that would be true if she kept coming up in conversation without staying in the news

trump is rent free in her head x 1000

otherwise she would accept her humiliating defeat and move on.org


Funny those libs that are mocking conservatives will be first in line defending her if she runs. :rofl:


She’s not the President of the United States. She’s a private citizen who I give two ■■■■■ about.

Do a poll and find out if that would be the case.

ok thats irrelevant

but thx

How is my statement irrelevant?

in that it has nothing to do with what i said about trump being rent free in hillary’s head, how she stays in the news, and how she should finally move on

‘Many people’. Ugh. Reminiscent of Trump’s. ‘A lotta people say’ when clearly no one is.

He responds to it, publicly, when she does it. He’s super easy to bait and sucker.

It’s almost like it’s intentionally phrased like a Trump tweet.

You sound like a triggered snowflake. :wink:

Brought to you by the crowd that almost gave us the Kid Sniffer. :rofl: