Hezbollah rockets slaughter children playing soccer in Israel

the Biden/Harris peace plan isn’t going to happen

this will escalate


This may be the final nail in Hezbollah’s coffin.


you know who is happy this happened is Tlib, leftist in congress

it is what is is….:man_shrugging:

i bet she loves to see the Israeli children scorched to death.


Bet the dem leadership feel pretty stupid after snubbing Netanyahu, especially Pelosi for going off on the worst speech she’s ever heard.

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The middle east…an eye for an eye for an eye for an eye…for an eye.

Its never going to stop.

Especially if the wrong people keep butting in.


Arab kids. Very sad.

She’s ugly inside and out. :face_vomiting:


The dem leadership and much of the dem pols seem to be anti-semitic.

No other way to put it.


Israeli citizens. Only one step above Jewish to maniacs in Jihadi groups.

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This is a Druze village, in the eyes of Hezbullah they are heretics.

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Well well well, Biden buddies strike again, this time killing 12 children. Libs must be jumping for joy. I’ll bet they’re getting their condemnations of the Israeli retribution strike prepared. Look for Kamala and her terrorist supporters, like the disgusting pigs of the squad, to praise Hezbollah for standing up to Israeli aggression.


This word salad attempt to look presidential by Harris was criticized by Netanyahu as “dangerous rhetoric”.
Netanyahu was right apparently. Trump commented at the same time “very disrespectful to the Israeli people”.
Harris is less than a rank amateur in world politics.
Her DEI race generated mouth foaming gobble dee goop projects weakness and incompetence.
The world grows ever more dangerous every day and America has some serious issues that have exasperated in the past nearly four years under the watch of idioti like Harris.
There will likely be two choices come Nov 5th. Better make sure (if your dumbasses do vote), you make a choice for leadership.

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It does not seem unreasonable to assume this is going to get worse…on multiple fronts…over the next few months.

The government in our great country is in disarray with a senile old Alzheimer’s patient living in the White House.

Why should we not expect the world’s scum (with the full support of scum like Rashida Tlaib) to try to take advantage of that opportunity?

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Hezbolla attacked a Syrian Druze community

They are aligned with Israel.
Another Druze faction in Lebanon is aligned with Hezbolla. But remember, the Druze are Unitarians and are actually looked down on by Islamists. But they are an organized fighting force.
The Lebanese Druze could in light of this killing of children break their Hezbolla alliance. ( hopefully so).
Wonder if Kackles knows any of these complexities?
Before opening her big mouth?

This woman is filth.


Thank you for posting this.

I would be lying if I expressed anywhere close to your understanding of this issue.

We do t know how “Kackles” (I love that) the Kommie will respond if at all.

Perhaps she will just let it pass in the news cycle or issue some milk toast condemnation, give it a couple of days and then get back to sucking up to the Tlaib voters in Michigan.

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My understanding is limited by information I choose to research. Not all of course is completely accurate but, the Middle East is complicated with thousands of years of conflict among themselves and outsiders. Saudi Arabia played a pivotal role along with Jordan in keeping a lid on Iranian influences. Harris and Biden ■■■■■■ that all up within months of 2021. The Saudis are now talking to the ChiComs and considering abandoning the US petrodollar!
Democrats and dead heads like Harris have this unusual knack for ■■■■■■■ up everything they touch.

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Trey Yingst is on Fox reporting that “it’s not a question of if the Israeli’s will respond, but rather a question of when, where, and how big”.

He’s also saying this will negatively effect any negotiations for the hostages still being held by Hamas after the October 7 massacres…

Hezbulla, Hamas, Tlib and the rest of the Hamas caucus in Congress etc all think Jewish children are vermin

anyway here are the children


lefty idiots (but i repeat myself) are protesting on campuses etc for this to happen more often