Hey! Over Here! There's a Democratic Debate Tonight

I’ve said I’ll vote for most anyone running against Trump, but I won’t vote for Bloomberg.

That whole “kid sniffer” nonsense is especially weak considering the ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ currently in the White House.

Trump doesn’t sniff kids.


No, he grabs ■■■■■■■. Is kid-sniffing a crime or do you just find it annoying?

When you meet Trump you only need spikes on your crotch.

I thought he was mayor of South Bend?


Of consenting adult females. Yes it’s a crime, what’s the matter with you?

I don’t.

Trump doesn’t know if they’re consenting, he said he just grabs without asking. That’s sexual assault.

What crime?

Because you don’t have a ■■■■■■ We’ve been over this.

They let you when you’re rich.

Kid sniffing 1st degree


No we haven’t.

Is that why Trump has been accused of sexual assault in court so many times?

So not a crime.

Collective “we” have been over this many times. Trump grabs ■■■■■■■, not your equipment.

I was not privy to your collective conversations, I am an individual.

Anybody can accuse a rich guy. What happened?

Yes it’s a crime.

You didn’t know that Trump only grabs ■■■■■■■, you thought he sexually assaulted men too?

You seem to be having an off day, understandably. Perhaps this evening.

That defense is weak considering I heard it from Trump’s own stupid pie hole.

Rich pervert hires the most expensive lawyers money can buy.

What crime? “Kid sniffing” is obviously not a crime, you just made that up.

I accept your surrender.

How many has he grabbed?

It is a crime on my society.