Hey libs. Does it bother you that Tim Walz is lying about is military service?

So Tim was a command sgt major in his reserve unit. When his unit got orders to deploy to Iraq, Tim abandoned them. He took a demotion so that he would not have to fulfill the last two years of his contract and go to Iraq. Leaving a huge hole in the leadership of his unit. And now, he’s claiming to be a combat veteran. Is this cool with you libs?

BTW. you’re welcome for being provided with info your lib sources cover up.


That’s not a good look.

This claim is unsubstantiated.

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It’s being reported in a lot of places.

What I found.

Army Lieutenant Colonel Kristen Augé, the state public affairs officer for Minnesota National Guard, told Just the News on Wednesday that the governor did not retire as “Command Sergeant Major Walz” in 2005, as stated on Minnesota’s official website, but as master sergeant “because he did not complete additional coursework at the U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy.” A soldier who does not complete the requisite coursework is automatically demoted, according to Army regulations.

This says nothing about purposefully taking a demotion to void two years of his military contract.

Walz says that he retired in May and the orders came down in July.

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Should be easy for him to clear up then since his paperwork (they get a form when they either retire or are discharged) would have the date it became effective in it.


I think that that would clear things up also.

Dude seems pretty clean. So I’m not sure what the angle of attack will be.

The only real thing they can hit him with that is legitimate that I’ve seen so far is that he flip flopped on gun rights when he became governor. But that’s also politics and won’t sway many people either way.

Only if they get the long form


Well we know he retired in May 2005 and one would assume that there would have been some time between him filing the paperwork and his retirement date. I have no idea what that would be.

I am seeing that they got the orders in July to deploy in September.

Now he may have had some advance notice that this was going to happen… but I don’t know if there would be any proof of that.

He did 24 years. Hard to knock him on that.

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I would think everyone would get the long form for retirement. I have heard of people getting a short form for discharges though. One of my favorite podcasters (lions led by donkeys) had that happen to him when he got out of the army. And they also didn’t award him with a physical War on Terror badge despite going to Afghanistan. Some paperwork screw up.

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Would he even have that level of advance notice without being real cozy with a general though?

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Was a birther joke ;p


He’s been attacked about his service by campaign opponents in the past. I’m not confident this is the best use of the GOP’s time.

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GOP always goes for stupid ■■■■■

Considering he’s a national politician now it makes a lot more sense to go after his flip flop on firearms rights than anything else. Issue there is that it won’t really sway anyone.

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A guard unit in 2005 definitely yes.

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I’ve got no idea. I figured they always just sort of sprung it on the unit with just enough time to get their stuff in order and do some acclimation training.

At that point unless anouther unit couldn’t make they probably had up to a year notice. Just not exact days. Except in emergencies or right at start of a Conflict a requaler schedule is published well ahead of time. Even in cases of emergencies your unit would know of they were in the window to be called.


I honestly don’t care enough and don’t have time to read deeply into it, but is this anything akin to whatever was going on with George W. Bush service in the guard and Vietnam war ?