Hey libs. Do you really want to know why conservatives love Trump?

I know back when I use to read the NYT, lot of their articles had AP stamped on it.

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I’m guessing AP.

Rarely do I see Reuters stamped on any of their articles.

USA uses Reuters.

CNN, etc.

maybe now, back when I read the times it was AP. I stopped reading that ■■■■ back around Clinton second term.

To read the Times it was not what they were saying that really matter. :wink:

AP is a guild, not a separate source.

Good discussion. Thanks.

“Prejudice, albeit coded” :rofl::+1:t4:

Yeah… it was place for independent journalist to have their stories pick up other news source. At least that is how I always viewed Reaters and AP.

Who said anything about burning books but you? But I should have know you would say that since it is leftist who now want to censor what we can read and hear.

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I don’t think I have one. I’m not a reliable voter for either party.

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That’s the standard for critical race theory. If you don’t agree with it you don’t understand it…and I’m not going to explain it. Nobody is buying that.

As far as crt or bell curves, I found it sufficient in evaluating people’s abilities (as needed before I retired) to observe their prior work performance. No need to know the average test performance of their race or whether great great great grandad was born a slave.

It’s a graduate level legal model for examining how race biases are coded into law. That’s it.


Do you have evidence that the Biden admin has these sorts of posts removed? I found a user on facebook who’s screen name is “Wuhan bat soup kitchen”.

I don’t believe Psaki identified what specifically they have been working with Facebook to ban. Perhaps it would be up to her to clarify, and perhaps the journalists to ask.

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Naw, it isn’t.

The AP, NPR and the Christian Science monitor top the list for accurate, least bias news.

In that case media needs to not state that Abbott in Texas has banned crt in public k-12 schools. He clearly did no such thing.

Define CRT.

You first.