Hey Fox News. The Democrat Leadership does not want to end capitalism in the U.S


How they define themselves is irrelevant! What defines them are the characteristics they display:

They do not defend rights associated with property ownership,

they reject people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations,

they intentionally use the force of taxation to rob the property of an identifiable group of people, which they then “redistribute” to another identifiable group for their personal economic needs,

and they do so in return for that groups vote which helps to keep these communists and socialists in powers while they live large on the taxpayer’s dime:

Here is your typical communist/socialist democrat leader living large on the taxpayer’s dime:

This is the same evil that happens in Cuba, whether or not you are willing to admit it.


When it comes to healthcare, our socialist candidate, Joe Biden, has no moral compass whatsoever. He refuses to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the healthcare needs of illegal entrants.

You’re just ■■■■■■■ repeating yourself, dude.

You’re both broad brushing Democrats, who don’t believe these things you claim, and socialists, who don’t all believe these things you claim.

Regardless of how hyperbolic the language is you use to describe this… income taxes combined with welfare is not socialism or communism.

I’m unclear on what you think you are trying to prove by repeatedly posting the same video of a capitalist politician abusing her power to engage in a capitalist transaction. It has nothing to do with Cuba, socialism, or capitalism.

And that you consider it “evil” is frankly just funny. If I play my heavy metal albums backwards will there be messages about going to the hair salon?

In response to your repetitive comments . . . dude. :roll_eyes:

Your profanity does not add credibility to your posts.


Socialist/communist democrats running for office will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, guaranteed income, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance they ever do gain political power because of such promises made, their socialist/communist iron-fisted created dependency will enslave the very fools who elected them.

That’s not the purpose of profanity.

There are no communist democrats running for office. And the the socialists democrats are going to enslave anyone.

Are you planning to respond to:

No they just want to regulate it so much only their rich friends will make money from inside knowlegend and contributions… Increasing the gap between rich and poor like in Cal and NY today!

Any evidence of this, or just a theory?

See California and NY… And we know 1/2 the dem party wants a Venezuela type govt…

I don’t see that happening in CA or NY.

Pretty much no one in the Democratic Party wants a Venezuela type govt.


The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with those who display the characteristics of socialists and communists, e.g.:

They do not defend rights associated with property ownership,

they reject people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations,

they intentionally use the force of taxation to rob the property of an identifiable group of people, which they then “redistribute” to another identifiable group for that group’s personal economic needs, . . . and they do so in return for that groups vote which helps to keep these communists and socialists in powers while they live large on the taxpayer’s dime:

Have you forgotten one of the first pieces of legislation Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez supported was a “cost of living pay increase” of $4,500 for her and members of Congress, which would be paid for by taxing her constituents?

Apparently, $285,000 a year [pay plus benefits] is not enough for her, while her constituents’ average earnings are under $60K!

Someday those who vote for socialists and communists who offer free government cheese may to realize the only ones who really benefit under such proposals are those handing out the government cheese, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who now happily lives large on her constituents dime


. They are neither “liberal” or" progressive". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with notoriously evil communists and socialists who delude, lure and addict our nations needy with free government cheese used to buy votes which keeps the needy and underprivileged enslaved and dependent.

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

Sums up “progressive” tax schemes pretty well, I’d say.

BLM is most definitely communist.

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Capitalism, free enterprise whatever you want to call it. I’ve never had enough money to care what it’s called. The Dems only want to suck the government dry of as much as they possibly can. The 300 billion left from the first stimulus bill from this year that has just been sitting has not just been sitting for no reason. Otherwise Pelosi would not have gotten so peeved when Trump decided to use it. I don’t think the Dems that we are used to are in full control of their side of the isle. There is more going on than meets the eye.

Welcome to the Forum.

Please make sure you read the rules.

Repeating it ad nauseum it doesn’t make it so.

The Republicans intentionally use the force of taxation to rob the property of an identifiable group of people, which they then use to build a wall on the southern border . . . and they do so in return for votes which helps to keep these conservatives in power while they live large on the taxpayer’s dime.

It’s still a job and job salaries come with cost of living increases once in a while. How much do you think they should make a year?

Do you think AOC is the only congress member who gets votes by promising to do things while collecting a salary funded by tax payer money?

Are you claiming that progressive taxation is Marxism?

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

I don’t see how anyone capable of critical thinking could see an incongruency between the above statement and a progressive tax scheme or wealth redistribution in general.

The statement is obviously the principle underlying both.

Would you prefer,

“To each according to their ability, with nothing to each according to their need”?

Well if you aren’t claiming that progressive taxation is Marxism, why did you bring it up?

The quote: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” was apparently brought up because it personifies another characteristic defining communism, a characteristic which is advocated by the communist/socialist controlled Democrat Leadership, e.g.:

When the Democrat Party Leadership advocates like a communist, lives like a communist, and displays other characteristics which define communists, surely they must be COMMUNISTS.


When it comes to healthcare, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants.

Progressive taxation is not unique Marxism… unless you are claiming the USA has been Marxist since we started having one. Are you?

I don’t think there would be taxation under communism because there’s nothing to tax.

I responded to this same statement over here.

Which is a “progressive” tax scheme.