Hey Fox News. The Democrat Leadership does not want to end capitalism in the U.S

No, I’m suggesting he’s using talking points used by black republicans. I suspect he won’t be a Democrat for long.

Or, perhaps, they have forgotten how the Democrat Party Leadership utilizes capitalism [the investment and manipulation of capital to achieve an anticipated profit and/or goal.] to plunder our federal treasury and fatten the fortunes of their friends and big donors, e.g.: as they did under Obama’s “green energy” money laundering operation in which 80% of Obama green jobs money went to Obama donors.

There is no freaken way the Democrat Party Leadership wants to end “capitalism”, especially not when capitalism has become very profitable for democrat leaders who have learned to use capitalism to plundered the treasuries of inner cities they have controlled for generations, while these very cities have deteriorated into some of the most dangerous wastelands in our nation.

How many times have democrat leaders in our nation’s inner cities promised to “invest” their constituents tax dollars to improve the living conditions in these cities, when their real aim has always been to engage in the same type of money laundering operation engaged in by Obama which fattened the fortunes of the friends and donors of Obama?

The unfortunate truth is, most of our media personalities, including “conservatives”, have been brainwashed into referring to our system as “capitalism”. Have they forgotten Karl Marx popularized
“capitalist” and “capitalist mode of production” to attack a free market, free enterprise system,
without having to reference what he really was attacking which was “freedom” Do our media talking heads not know our founders cannot be found to have used the word “capitalism” to describe our system?

Let us never forget the words of Thomas Jefferson’s First Annual Message to Congress::

”Agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation, the four pillars of our prosperity, are the most thriving when left most free to individual enterprise.”

Freedom is what the Democrat Party Leadership really wants to end. Not Capitalism.


Our socialist/communist controlled democrat party leadership personifies a living creature, a predator: it grows, it multiplies, it protects itself, it feeds on those it can defeat, and does everything to expand its powers and flourish, even at the expense of enslaving a nation’s inner cities’ entire population.

How clever of you to use one of the latest stupid debating tricks . . . referring to facts stated by Vernon Jones as being “talking points”.

So tell me, are you now saying Vernon Jones is telling the truth?



The Latino walkaway movement is the socialist/communist democrat leadership’s worse nightmare

That’s not a stupid debate trick… its true. Most of what he said are common talking points. And talking points aren’t new… they’ve been around forever.

It’s a mixture of opinions, facts, and falsehoods.

I thought we were talking about black people?

The following is some of what Jones said at the convention. Is he not telling the truth?

I attended North Carolina Central University, a historically black college. For generations, HBCUs have been the breeding ground for black scholars in math, science, religion, engineering and politics. They have been important springboards for black success ever since. But Democrats haven’t treated them like that.

When President Trump took office, he changed everything. He delivered historic funding to HBCUs. And he guaranteed it for 10 years. That gave our HBCUs stability–the chance to grow and produce the next generation of black leaders.

That’s right. Donald Trump did that.

He also supported school choice initiatives to ensure that every child – no matter their race or zip code – has access to a great education.

But education is just the beginning.

The President also built the most inclusive economy ever, with record low unemployment for African Americans and record high participation in the workforce.

He put Opportunity Zones in the Trump tax bill that will drive investment into our communities for decades to come.

He put the interests of American workers – and especially black workers – First.

That’s right. Donald Trump did that.

He delivered historic criminal justice reform. He ended – once and for all – the policy of mass incarceration of Black people, which has decimated our communities.

Democrats couldn’t do it! Obama couldn’t do it! Joe Biden and Kamala Harris definitely couldn’t do it!

But Donald Trump did.


Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their healthcare revenue with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

How does that ensure that every child has access to a great education?

You don’t know how school choice works?


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt, will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

My understanding is that there’s lottery involved and therefore not every child is guaranteed the ability to go the school they want.

We’re discussing k-12, aren’t we?

Actually, the subject of the thread is a stated fact: “Hey Fox News. The Democrat Leadership does not want to end capitalism in the U.S.”

Fox News talking heads continue to misrepresent the socialist/communist controlled Democrat Party Leadership as wanting to end “capitalism” in the United States. The truth is, they use capitalism [the investment of our tax revenue] in an evil fashion ____ to plunder our national treasury and redistribute its revenue to fatten the fortunes of their friends and donors, an example being Obama’s green energy money laundering operation in which 80% of Obama green jobs money went to Obama donors.

And now, here comes Joey Boy Biden promising to continue Obama’s green energy money laundering operation: See Joe Biden unveils $2 trillion green infrastructure and jobs plan

  • Joe Biden’s campaign released a plan to put $2 trillion into green infrastructure and energy over four years.
  • The Democrat outlined a more ambitious climate change and job creation platform than he did during the primary as he aims to reduce emissions and create jobs.

The old saying goes: Fool me once, shame on you ; fool me twice, shame on me.

Let us not forget the Obama/Biden “Shovel-ready was not as … uh … shovel-ready as we expected.”___ Obama, June, 2011


A real big joke to them!


Let’s not forget Joe Biden does not support the right to work and individuals being free to negotiate their own employment contracts. He wants every American to pay a union representative a monthly kickback fee in order to work in America .

OK, back on topic!

There is no such thing as the “socialist/communist controlled Democrat Party Leadership”.

The liberal/progressive controlled Democratic Party leadership doesn’t want to end capitalism. Both parties are guilty of crony capitalism, which is what you described in your Obama green jobs rant.

Which companies is Biden going to give tax payer money to that have donated to his campaign?

So much for staying on topic.

You just don’t get it. A silent majority is rising against the communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership and their desire to disarm the American People.


“Until you realize how easy it is for your mind to be manipulated, you remain the puppet of someone else’s game.” ― Evita Ochel

No its not because there is no such thing as the “communist/socialist controlled Democrat Party Leadership”… why don’t you understand that?

Well that was pretty cringe.

What evidence do you have of a silent majority? Do you have numbers?

Surely you gest. A fundamental feature of socialist/communism is to use government force to take the property of one group of people and transfer it to another for their personal economic needs.

The communist/socialist controlled democrat party leadership has been promising free government cheese in return for the vote of those trapped in poverty in cities controlled by the democrat party leaders for generations.

Try paying attention to what is happening in your country.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt, will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

Um, no. The fundamental feature of socialism and communism is that the workers own the means of production. Not all forms of socialism involve the government and under communism there is no government. Income taxes combined with welfare, which is what I believe you are trying to describe is not socialism.

There is no such thing as the “communist/socialist controlled democrat party leadership”, therefore this isn’t happening.

Try paying attention in political science class.

It’ll be paid for by taxing everyone (who owes income taxes) regardless of whether or not they went to college or who paid for it.

If this keeps up young workers might someday be forced to fund a ponzi scheme to pay for the retiring elderly.

Um … :roll_eyes:

You just don’t get it do you? Workers do not own the means of production under socialism, communism, or other collectivisms. Tell me, my friend, do the people in Cuba own the means of production?

The fact is, socialism, communism, and other “collectivism” schemes of “government”, are cleverly designed to have a ruling class, which supposedly acts in the best interests of “the people”, and they control, through regulation and taxation, the means of production, i.e., land, labor, manufacturing, agriculture, etc.

Supposedly the people are all “equal” in such systems, but, in every such system, there are those in a ruling class who are “more equal”, and they are the ones who actually control the means of productions through taxation and regulation.

But this can all be summed up by the following:

Do as I say, but not as I do:

Nancy Pelosi personifies the “communist/socialist” ruling class of the democrat leadership, whose desire and mission is to fundamentally transform America into a Cuban style system of government where the means of production is controlled, not by “the people”, but by her and her comrades, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Chuck Schumer, etc who assertively will act in the “peoples” best interests, and do so by redistributing the wealth which labor, business and investors have worked to produce.

Your communist/socialist controlled democrat party leadership detests people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, and detests observing and protecting rights associated with property ownership, unless of course, the property in question is theirs.

The bottom line is, your communist/socialist controlled democrat party leadership does not support and defend a free enterprise, free market place system, nor people being free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, nor does it defend rights associated with property ownership.


Our country is infested with a Fifth Column movement at MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, ETC., and their countless Yellow Journalists, who work hand in hand with the Democrat Party socialist/communist leadership to plunder, paralyze and destroy our free market, free enterprise system.

They aren’t leaders. They can’t lead themselves out of a closet with one door.

JWK you should run for office. You got my vote, Bro.

Yes, they do. It’s one of the primary defining factors of socialism and communism.
In Cuba the people own the means of production but since they practice state socialism the government controls it supposedly on behalf of the people. In reality Cuba is controlled by an corrupt authoritarian government and the people have little control.

Socialism and communism aren’t designed this way. The ruling class, as you describe, comes about in socialism when you have a situation where those in power abuse their power to enrich their friends and others in power. This is not because of socialism or communism, this is because of weak constitutions and authoritarians. Blaming socialism for this is like blaming the bait when a mouse trap kills a mouse.

Dude, she personifies the political class. Economic and political systems have nothing to do with it.

That’s a bull ■■■■ conspiracy theory. Even the actual socialists in Congress don’t want Cuban style state socialism. That’s why they call themselves Democratic Socialists and not Marxist-Leninist.

There is no “communist/socialist controlled democrat party leadership” for me to have. It’s something you’ve made up. Fantasy.

Stay on topic, please.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …

Tell that nonsense to the hundreds of thousands of Cubans who had their property confiscated by Fidel Castro.


The liberty to fail or succeed at one’s own hand is a PROGRESSIVE`S nightmare and not the American Dream