Herschel Walker for Georgia senate seat

So that’s a yes? We can? Be all concerned and stuff?

Explain Tommy Tuberville.

What about non-Democrats ? Are they allowed to be concerned with this ?


Wow, you just described over 90% of all senators! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Like what the ■■■■ is so special about Raphael Warnock? Has he brought Georgia to promised land? None of these people are anything special.


He’s as far left as the Squad.

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Sounds like someone Democrats would want for VP, if only he were a wom…I mean cisfemale…too.

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You must be joking.

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Can’t discuss Walker without mentioning Democrats at all ?

Wonder how this will play out?

I suspect it won’t matter much.

Nah. The MAGA’s are long inured to hypocrisy.

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I am but mostly about the people who have deemed themselves neurologists over Fetterman and how horrible the dems are to run a man with issues…… May be a little over Biden but mostly over Fetterman

Go to the thread on Biden and Loan forgiveness. You wouldn’t think Trump would show up there at all would you? Now do a search for “Trump” in that topic. What I can’t find is your criticism of people who brought up Trump there.

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Sorry, I haven’t even been in that thread since maybe it was first posted. Ok, bad people with TDS. Horrible people.

Now - anything to say about Walker at all w/out “but Biden” or “however, Dems” or “those libs” ?

Well, except whatever he is like, he may be the last chance to block packing the Supreme Court, so I would probably vote for him…if I lived in Georgia.

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It’s baaaack
The fear mongering

Most important election of our lifetime! For the 25th time

Arguably that was 2020…and the results have been a disaster.

Which was not arguably the last election for multiple federal positions. So thanks for agreeing.

Me too

Looka like Walker has lost the support of his own son.


Holy mackerel.