Herschel Walker for Georgia senate seat

You know. If Walker wins, he’s going to accomplish absolutely nothing in Congress. He’ll vote party lines and just take up space. I guess that’s what the GOP wants. Not to elect anyone who will work within government, but someone who will work against it by being completely incompetent.

To be fair, that’s kind of why a lot of partisan crowd thinks elections are important. Need more votes to pass their agenda which equals power.

And that’s why progressives are so aghast at Manchin and Sinema just as many on the right don’t/didn’t love Romney, McCain and a few others in the past.

Voting party line is kind of part of job expectation, I guess.


But can we proclaim sadly that the gop is taking advantage of someone who could be suffering from the effects of repeated concussions since we are all doctors after all. Or will be that be pronounced as persecution of a conservative black man.


Democrats should talk.

Biden just has a lisp, that’s all.

“Where’s Jackie?”


Yeah, but you’re wrong.

Moderator Note

So that’s a yes? We can? Be all concerned and stuff?

Explain Tommy Tuberville.

What about non-Democrats ? Are they allowed to be concerned with this ?


Wow, you just described over 90% of all senators! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Like what the ■■■■ is so special about Raphael Warnock? Has he brought Georgia to promised land? None of these people are anything special.


He’s as far left as the Squad.

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Sounds like someone Democrats would want for VP, if only he were a wom…I mean cisfemale…too.

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You must be joking.

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Can’t discuss Walker without mentioning Democrats at all ?

Wonder how this will play out?

I suspect it won’t matter much.

Nah. The MAGA’s are long inured to hypocrisy.

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I am but mostly about the people who have deemed themselves neurologists over Fetterman and how horrible the dems are to run a man with issues…… May be a little over Biden but mostly over Fetterman

Go to the thread on Biden and Loan forgiveness. You wouldn’t think Trump would show up there at all would you? Now do a search for “Trump” in that topic. What I can’t find is your criticism of people who brought up Trump there.

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Sorry, I haven’t even been in that thread since maybe it was first posted. Ok, bad people with TDS. Horrible people.

Now - anything to say about Walker at all w/out “but Biden” or “however, Dems” or “those libs” ?

Well, except whatever he is like, he may be the last chance to block packing the Supreme Court, so I would probably vote for him…if I lived in Georgia.

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