Here's Why Hillary Is Running Again in 2020

No. It indicates there’s a LOT of libs out there but they all live in enclaves as you’ve described.

Our genius electoral system makes it so that only a handful of people actually matter in elections.

Agreed. Trumpists are going to have to brace themselves for the very real possibility that in 2020 Donald won’t have the advantage of running against someone who rivals him in toxicity.

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Did Al Gore run again?

I don’t believe only libs voted for Clinton at all. I think a lot of people who aren’t libs voted for her. I don’t think there are that many actual liberals in this country. You few are just really noisy.

You really think the electoral system is genius?

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No, he didn’t. But Owlgore is no Hildawg.

Really? How many non-libs would vote for someone that was going to take all yer guns?

Cool. Should be interesting.

Everyone knows there are only two types of people who voted for Clinton: filthy anti-American godless socialist commie immigrant Marxist Kenyan Muslims, and filthy anti-American godless socialist commie immigrant Marxist Kenyan Muslims who are too scared to admit it.

Oh I’m sure some people voted for her because (D). A bunch because she’s a woman. A lot because they couldn’t stand Trump.

There were all kinds of reasons for voting for her besides being a liberal.

If there were a lot of those around, why didn’t Sanders get the nomination?

Them’s fightin’ words to some Trumpists here, Sneaky! Beware.

Because Clinton Deep State Satanic DNC machinations.

You told me only libs for for politicians with such hostility to the constitution. A vote for Clinton was a vote for her policies.

Personally I’d like to see either Mark Warner or Cory Booker get the nomination. Not sure liberals would be too happy with either candidate, though.

she sure as hell hasnt

maybe everyone will get over it when she does


/10 char

She can’t even walk according to trump huggers. She’s still living rent free in your head. Let it go bro.

why do you say that? i havent said or posted anything about her since the election

shes still going around the world with this sorry ass book of hers. tell HER to “move on” not me. ha

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You need to find a new boogeyman/woman. Kamala Harris is available, but I doubt you will be able to bully her as easily.