Here's a question for those on the Left. At what point are you convinced that a biological male/female is the opposite gender?

He had the right to go in, but once we said we were uncomfortable, he should have just left. It should have been that simple.

“Uncomfortable” is not a magic phrase that overturns the rules. Definitely not an excuse to harass another student.

There’s one for a sexual male getting to pretend he is a girl as taking precedence over young girls having to accept being confronted with male body parts in a private situation.
The problem is that sex is a real ,physical thing. Gender is how you feel. Some recognition needs to be given to the very real existence of sex.
If “the rules” don’t take that into account, the rules stink.

Can’t harass another student, regardless of one’s opinion on the rules.

Why does the tranny get to be comfortable at the expense of the women?


I am not sure we are agreeing as to whom was being the most harassed party.

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It is however a grievance.

The girls didn’t harass another student.

Kayla and Blake’s discomfort is not a large expense. They can’t even get their story straight with the rest of the team.

That’s to be determined when the investigation is finished.

Why do they have to be discomforted at all?

According to the article.

And it made many people uncomfortable and feel violated. And I left as soon as I could in a panic.

I feel like everyone’s just trying to twist the story on us and make us look like the bad people in this situation,” the high school student said.

“I don’t want other girls to have to feel uncomfortable about it,” the high school student added.

Speaking for others, exaggerated panic, making herself into a victim. Sounds like a budding karen here. She’s being coached well.

The school seems to have the same suspicions, enough to warrant investigation.

School is as good a place as any to learn that you can’t get your way all the time.

Sometimes the answer to “I’m uncomfortable” is just “ok”.

Actually, when one considers the origin of the word gender and its use through history it has been synonymous with a person’s biological sex. The reality is that throughout human history there was NEVER any confusion on the reality that there are men and women and that they are different in many ways both biologically and socially. It was never an issue until recently when a bunch of useless liberal arts professors with nothing practical to contribute to society decided through the use of semantics and phony intellectualism to create this nonsense.

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Why does the tranny get to be comfortable at the expense of actual girls?


Why does the tranny get to be the one not discomforted?


Dunno, I haven’t seen the kid. They’re not the only one not-discomforted.

But they are. The tranny has law.

You know, aboard the Voyager Spacecrafts whose mission was to inform “extraterrestrials” who we are as a race and where we are among other information including recordings.
The scientists at the time wanted to show whoever retrieved the craft the species consisted of two distinct sexes depicted by this plaque.

Yet still, leftist loons want us to be convinced a biological male with a schlong is a female?
Get THE ■■■■ real! Aliens from another galaxy might even know the difference fer crissakes! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I agree. For the purpose of discussion I am going along with the newspeak.
It’s quicker than saying “the sex one imagines oneself to be”. Until recently, such a phrase wasn’t considered necessary.