Here is something worth lambasting Trump over (concerning international trade)

Then don’t vote for the Democrats in this up-coming election… Unless it’s for Tulsi Gabbard

I presume you don’t think $7.25 is reasonable.

There are a couple of parts in this thread that I struggle with.
First I dont think posters should mix in wanting federal minimum wage raised yet at the same time yell trump cant tell us what to do.
Second and more directly pretaining to this thread, safiel makes a valid point the business he is in keeps it from crossing back to here. But a business like tires maybe could be more scrutinized for producing a product that makes it’s way back here.
I am with others here that say NAFTA was such a huge failure. We have let the genie out of the bottle.

Nope not even close. NYC is 15. Jersey is 10 (going up a buck per year to 15)

Much better.


Ahh…the doubling-down syndrome…:joy:

I don’t think there is any doubt they are rooting for a dem over trump, trump has hurt their economy.


About 12.75 American. Not bad.


No that’s not it.

He doesn’t have the authority to tell private businesses what they should do.

That’s how authoritarian governments work- not ours.

True patriots would know that.

Of course he does. Should

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Of course he does. He doesn’t have the authority to tell them what they shall do.


They’re in for a rough 5 years then. Turns out we should be better partners with India and other pacific countries.

Democratic president will make the recovery from the recession that a Republican President caused in 2q2020.

Recovery begins in 3q2021.

Since we are making predictions in this thread


If only there was a sweeping attempt to build a coalition against China.

You (collective) TrumpCons really believe that don’t you? He does not have such authority. They call it a free market economy for a reason.

Free market - Wikipedia.

He has no authority…its America…and you(collective) TrumpCons are not patriotic for supporting this. It’s unpatriotic to support Trump’s desire to act on free enterprise in such a way. You just don’t realize it yet.

Wow…somebody ( collective) just got schooled. Smooth Hawley was indeed the trigger for some bad times in the US Republican Party.

It’s a free market economic system the US government or it’s figurehead, cannot tell business how to run.

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Trading with the enemy comes to mind.


Our Global Governance Crowd has no allegiance to the United States or any nation, and willingly transfers American created technology to our enemies when the price is right.

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How could there be an enemy in a free market environment?

Well not a business enemy.

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Oh my God…you didn’t just refer to another poster as a traitor did you?

Might want to rephrase that.
When did they become an enemy? That’s the Trouble with you TrumpCons (collective). As a group you all believe anyone who isn’t us, is the enemy.


This is one area the progressive side of the Democratic Party is in lock step with Trump on. The Sanders/Warren wing of the Democratic Party has no love for trade with communist China and their slave labor and property right stealing practices and I would go as far to say from what I have seen of Warren she is more hawkish on China than Trump.

This has brewing for a long time you can’t just have free trade with people who abuse every aspect of it.

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I’m sure Donny is in the process of removing all his business interests/manufacturing as we speak.

Set an example for the world!