Here is great video of unhinged left-wing mob

Unhinged Trump rally attendees attacking someone who did not clap enough.

Pro-right wackos.

Yes! Perfect

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The comment section is hilarious.


Red-hat whackos at a Trump rally.

Some “good people” - Trump

Some more “good people” - Trump; complete with a red-hat attacking people.

Yep, here’s another photo of them.


Just doing what their President has told them too. And your video has a few really ■■■■■■■■ edits as usual.

Oh to have some video of a bunch of Old White Bostonians dressing up as native Americans, swarming a ship full of chests of tea, hacking them up with their tomahawks, and then dumping them into Boston Harbor.

Remember when unhinged mob behavior against overbearing authority was considered the epitome of Patriotism?


What the right has become… “Jews. Will not. Replace us!”

Other posters have posted these Conan, I’m just trying to make sure you see them man. Rhetoric is so cheap.

Why not show the video of the angry unhinged rantings of white boy privileged, entitlement thinking man, silver spooned at birth, Brett “I like Beer” Kavanaugh form inside the hearings!

Wouldn’t that showcase best what all of America needs to be aspiring to in the mid term election?

Shouldn’t that be the watch word for getting all of America behind the Trumplican Party?

Then they could show the unhinged rantings of Lyndsey “Pick Me” “Pick Me” Graham on the dais with all of his fellow Old Fart white guys who were to afraid to confront one woman so they sent a FEMALE RINGER IN to do their dirty work.

Those images would really sing with all Americans! Right?


And yet the left is a mob. That’s why Republican media is so genius. They can spin anything.

Oh yeah, the GOP should be running ads like this 24/7!!

They are. It’s all over rush and Fox.

This is 'Murica. It’s who we are. This country is so stupid and backwards we destroy property and riot over something as trivial as football games lol. So when I see people getting heated over a Supreme court justice it really doesn’t phase me.

Nice looking candle light vigil

So convincing and inspiring I must now go kick someone.

Seems like libs get their panties up in a knot when you call em mobs.