Here is a list of Trump and his admin. dictator-ish tendencies

Obviously the stable genius doesn’t know the meaning of Treason.

Most people don’t.

The gun walking to Mexican drug cartels.

Apparently, there was no significant (or trivial) Trump news today, so they just
extemporaneously make ■■■■ up.

This is a resume bullet point for a job in the LMSM.

Surely Trump must have done something today that would outrage liberals and cause a flurry of “Trump is Satan” posts; forgot to floss, wore mismatched socks…


Why are you ignoring the investigations into Obama’s attempted coup?

Fake news keeping information from you or are they feeding you garbage that makes you depressed?

Obama is the poster child for Treason!

You’ll see

Smollett comes to mind.

He fakes a lynching and Booker and Harris uses it to pass the lynching bill.

I :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: the “indeed” that libs are adding. It’s sooooo cute. :heart_eyes:

He wants Bill Barr to be his Lin-Manual Miranda?

Ah, my dearest Trump,
With such a round rump.
On Biden I shall find magnificent dirt
While you drool taco juice on your shirt.


Well played :clap:

What is false about what was posted?

Specifics, please.

Always playing the Obama card, right? If it’s not the Obama card, it’s the Hillary card.


When the investigations into the Mueller hoax is over maybe.

Well played…indeed. :sunglasses:

So you don’t think that lynching should be a crime. Got it.

So you think Polititions can fake stuff to pass Bill’s got it.
These people are sick!

Good thing that didn’t happen.

To bad that’s what it looks like.

50 Shades of :rofl: