Helpful hints during inflationary times for poor folks who make less than $300K/yr

One of the coolest things you’ve ever posted IMO. Cheers. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

  • I would suggest buying groceries at Walmart. That was what I was doing for a while, then switched to Kroger. I try to keep costs between $50-$75/week for groceries. Kroger has the Kroger card, which I’m thinking of getting. They also have coupons to other places.

  • Speaking of which, sign up for rewards cards/accounts at your favorite stores. That will help build up points which you can then use on a rainy day if you need something.

  • As my dad would say, there’s no shame in thrift shopping.

  • Discount stores like Marshall’s, Value Village, and Dollar Tree.

  • Always look for sales and coupons.

  • Please don’t risk your safety to lower costs. Living in a safe neighborhood, imo, is worth the higher COL.

We should make our own thread to help out fellow forumites.

I hear companies are laying off people left and right because jobs are being replaced by AI. Particularly at restaurants.

I bought my house in 2017. I love it. Thanks to the COVID real estate boom I gained about $150,000 in equity. That Pennymac reminds me about every week telling me I can take out another loan. But I love my house and my mortgage payment. I’m not going anywhere.

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That’a awesome. I wish I could get out of this dump and into an apartment back home.

My land lady moved the business here because the land was cheap, but we’re on the bad edge of town. But she charges more than most apartments in a safe area- $2,500/month at base, then there are utilities, security deposit, emergency fund. The most expensive luxury highrise apartment I’ve seen so far in Atlanta is $2,800.

By the time everything is said and done it’s 3k/month. All to be mistaken as a prostitute and taken to a guy’s motel room (I was in olde town garden where prostitutes apparently prowl, thankfully when he was gone I got out of there), pressured to get into people’s vans, and harassed repeatedly for weed and a key to a washroom that I will never know the location of.

Ugh, that sounds terrible. I like being able to live within my means, and have money for luxuries… like travel, golf, golf trips… just takes some planning, discipline, and dedication.

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“To Save Money, Maybe You Should Skip Breakfast”

I’ve been skipping breakfast since I graduated from High School. What should I do? :wink:

Do I get any credit for eating a big breakfast and skipping lunch?

neolib broken record

Not according to Brandon.

That’s good. The sooner we can all become completely dependent on government, the happier we will all be.

You’re projecting again.

Yes, thank goodness. I’m middle class and it worked just fine for me. Thanks Ronny.

Choose Civil/Mechanical/Electrical engineering. As a good choice, those careers haven’t changed in a hundred fifty years.

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