Heller and the 2nd Explained in great detail

They aren’t the majority of the people, they are the party majority of pols. Nobody authorized them or the NRA to negotiate away their rights or anybody else’s.

Rights are individual, not collective.

Of course I do. I agree with no registration at all.

To maintain a state militia, like I said. Thanks.

If you’re stripping them of their rights without due process you’re not giving any care or protection to them.

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Which isn’t mentioned anywhere. Militias were raised at the local level.

There was no prerequisite to be a member of any organized militia to keep and bear arms period.

In order to raise a militia in times of need “The People” need to have their own arms and be well versed in the use of same.

Same day registration just ensures extensive fraud will be allowed to happen. It can take days, weeks, or even months to verify eligibility of voters once they register.

No it isn’t assumed you have a right to vote. It is assumed you have a right to be treated fairly under voter and voter registration laws.

Voting has always been a heavily restricted privilege.

That isn’t even close to what actually happened.


Good think no one is stripping them if their rights without due process then

That’s exactly what red flag laws do as do any other laws which infringe on the right to keep and bear.

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But it’s in the consitution.
Why do you support voter registration but not gun? Why no longer background check for guns but no same day registration to vote?
Why do you only support restrictions for voting and not guns when both are consitutional rights?

That’s exactly what happen… NRA lobby day as Jan 13th. The bill that came out had the following. From your link

The legislation provides a narrow exemption for purchases made by Virginia concealed handgun permit holders.

You think Dems (who you believe are pure gun grabbers) came up with that change?

False. At least in va, it needs a circuit Court order, expires 14 days after issue, must have evidence not just 1 persons word.
Sounds like due process to me

What’s in the constitution is a right to be treated fairly and equitably under voter/registration laws. That’s it.

Voting has always been and will always be a very heavily restricted privilege only afforded to eligible citizens.

There’s no language in the 2nd that allows for any laws that infringe on “The Right of The People” to keep and bear.

Prior restraint on a constitutionally protected right by definition infringes on our rights.

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There is no due process, you do not get to contest having your guns taken prior to them being taken.

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Do you get to contest charges before cops arrest you?
No, they arrest you, book you, perhaps even hold you until you go to court normally.
Still is considered due process.

The cops only get to arrest you upon probable cause or with the issuance of a warrant.

There are no such protections in the red flag law.

You don’t even have to be accused of crime to have your firearms seized under said law.

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“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”

Sure sounds a lot like
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

But you consider 1 meaning no registration, no background checks, requirements ok
And the other is unlimited.

Again, you clearly are not up to speed with VA red flag laws.
They can only take your gun again with not only probable cause, but with evidence, and must be signed by a judge just like a warrant.

Then you have a vivid imagination to say the least.

on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude”

That is nothing but equal protection for all regardless of race, color, or previous status as a slave.

Exactly as I said, everyone has a right to be treated fairly under voter laws.