Head on a Pike Takeaway Moment

So people support Trump’s policies?

Some people. Enough in some states to cause trouble for senators who oppose him. Of course, it’s never that black-and-white. Most people support some of his policies and oppose others.

It’s amazing how comments by Trump are offensive but those from their own side no longer are.


I can see that. In that case, those Senators need to start supporting those policies. Perhaps if they had done that, we wouldn’t be saddled with this lunatic now.

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I am not a Democrat. I have never been a Democrat and I will never be one. The feigned indignation of some Trump acolytes is laughable given the puerile nature of many of Trump’s tweets.

Shiff will unfortunately be remembered as a blowhard that took on a prosecutorial role, did a shoddy job and faced with a losing effort did his best “story time with Adam” routine to maybe save his phony baloney job.

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Yes but it’s not like the democrats were going to help these moderates on the fence like Susin Collins. If she votes against impeachment she has the RNC to back her reelection. If she votes against the president she will be thrown under the bus by the RNC and the democrats will say some kind words to her while they back the opposition candidate kicking her to the curb as well.

What’s the saying “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t”.

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Utterly faux outrage… ginned up to provide cover for the Republican cover-up.

Donald Trump can insult Gold Star families, prisoners of war, the disabled… on and on and nary of peep from the these pearl clutches… but one line from Adam Schiff and of THE VAPORS!

What frauds!


Ask the vindictive Donald Trump, I don’t know what he might come up with. Support from the RNC in their next election is likely at the top of the list though.

Maybe he can fall back on pretending to be Trump saying things Trump never said.
Or maybe he can tell us again how this is too important an issue to let stupid voters decide for themselves.

It doesn’t make sense when you are trying to attack someone as not being qualified to be President to select a spokesman who is himself such an embarrassment. But then, whom did they have to select from? Pelosi? Nadler?


Schiff is talking to the most extreme element of his own base.
The ones that demanded an impeachment regardless of the Mueller report or anything impeachable.

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Nunes, Jordan and Gaetz. Three of the most incompetent politicians I have ever seen.

Nah they know. The point is that they want you to play by rules they don’t want to play by.

the fact that voters might hold them accountable does not equate to being threatened by the president.


You mean extreme libs like this guy?:

Fox News senior judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano on Thursday penned an op-ed arguing that the articles of impeachment and the House managers’ case against President Trump provide “ample and uncontradicted” evidence to support the Senate removing him from office.

“The Government Accountability Office — a nonpartisan entity in the federal government that monitors how the feds spend tax revenue — has concluded that Trump’s request for a favor was a violation of law because only Congress can impose conditions on government expenditures. So, when the president did that, he usurped Congress’ role and acted unlawfully.”

Donald Trump does not control support from the RNC.

So you don’t really have anything? Let me help, Mean Tweets.

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And yet, they are winning.

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Censure letter at best.

Schiff made a crucial error. He assigned the vengeance to the president when he could have gotten away with assigning it to republican voters.