He Man Vs Gay Man

I find it massively revolting when Donnie kisses Melania. So gross. :face_vomiting:


I actually agree with you.

Even though I agreed with most of his policies, his lack of personal morals is the main reason I didn’t vote for him in 2016.

Many of the D candidates, then and now, also have many moral problems. They just are not as blatant about them. Biden, Bloomberg, Warren, and Sanders I think all have morality problems, though they just might not be as “in your face” about it as Trumps issues.


And what does it mater to you what some else considers as a real man? And who cares what you consider to be a real man?
I would not classify Trump, Bill Clinton, Bush, Obama, Sanders, Binden, Bloomberg or Buttigieg as real men.
But what I consider a real man is my personal opinion.
Being faithful or not faithful to your spouse has nothing to do with being a real man in my book.
To me this is all just more lets brow beat and try to shame the Trump supporters and make them vote the way we want.
And what’s funny about all this is the same people will scream like banshees if someone says anything about maybe if woman want to sleep around she should be responsible and pay for their own birth control. My goodness than the Trump supporters are told it’s none of their business what these woman do and to quit trying to slut shame them.
So why is it any of your business who Trump has slept with? Isn’t that his business not yours?

I find it massively revolting every time Trump opens his mouth

He made it our business… blame him.

Funny I hear and read all the time from a lot of leftist how what someone does behind closed doors is none of my business.
Shows just what this is all about to some on the left. They believe that some how their going to shame people into voting the way they want. Just shows that they can’t win on issues and have crap for candidates.

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True. But Trump opened the door. Bragged about it even. Again, not our fault.


Pointing out Donnie’s filthy behavior isn’t a reflection on anyone else. If you feel ashamed, that’s purely your issue. Don’t blame it on anyone else.

Bragged about it, boasted about it, snickered about it, went to the media to broadcast it.

We know that most on the left have no morals.
So we can spot the fake outrage for what it is a mile away.
Good thing is most conservatives understand that we don’t take on the sins of others just because we talk to a sinner. In fact all sinners are welcome in church every day of the week.


He wasn’t lecturing him about family values there. He was predicting how the electorate would perceive it. And he’s right. At least about enough of them to cost dems the general. But feel free to ignore his free advice.

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Then we have something in common with Trump supporters.

Rush did a whole segment on Buttigieg asinine response since Rush never said anything about “family values” he was talking about a debate stage visual, it’s just more leftist projection and blaming others for the true feelings they have. :roll_eyes: IMO

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Were you grossed out by Al and Tippers disgusting grope kiss at the DNC. Talk about grab her by the ■■■■■ huh? That was one disgusting public display by a pasty politician trying to act cool.

Rush said what he said… own it.

Democrats will soon have to look within their own party on why Mayor Pete will soon fall, after such a strong showing in the first two states. It will have zero to do with Republicans, they will not be the ones that tanks Mayor Pete’s campaign in the next few diverse states it will democratic voters.

So what?

A wasted vote. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

What so what?:kissing:

Go Bernie Go