He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life

More than any of us here…so I’ll take his word until proven otherwise…unless you are a General too…in which case I will give your thoughts extreme consideration.

It is not the same thing. One is a way of relating to people and the other is a behavioral theory used in psychological counseling.

It ends nothing.

But nice try.

It does…but not in the way you think it does.

More Orwellian newspeak from you. Transactional analysis analyses the transactions created in discourse and interaction. “Transactional” means the same thing in both contexts.


I’m happy to read any dictionary definition you might be relying on.

Transactional relationships are built on the expectation for reciprocation. Both individuals are concerned with how they will benefit. Individuals are self-serving, making sure they get as much as they can from the relationship for a set amount of work in return. Within a transactional relationship, bonds are broken the moment one party does not hold up their end.

Dr. Eric Berne developed transactional analysis in the last 1950s, using “transaction” to describe the fundamental unit of social intercourse, with “transactional analysis” being the study of social interactions between individuals.

Orwell has spoken.
See the difference…one is the sickness the other is the cure.

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Transaction means the same. Transaction is not a sickness for which transactional analysis is a cure.

Obviously “transactional analysis” is different from “transactional relationship”, but transactional means the same thing. Like “red box” and " red hair" are different, but “red” means the same in both.

You focus on the world transactional.

General Kelly is talking about transactional relationships which is different. Whether you want to focus on one word or two is up to you.

Trump is the president. You think he’s there to talk about the weather and hobbies? He’s there to improve America’s prosperity and to do what he can to keep the world from war. You expect him to do that without entering into transactions?

So Kelly’s complaint seems to be that Trump is always working and won’t take a break to just shoot the breeze. Trump won’t drop his guard so Kelly and the gang get a chance to slip one past him. Poor General Kelly.

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What about his personal life. Who are his close friends? Who are his buddies? Who does he let into his life? Not counting his kids? Who is his best friend? Who are group of guys? That’s what’s at issue here transactional relationships…those relationships that you have simply for what you can get from them. Let me put it to you like this…Trump is a user of people. Everyone that has ever been in the inner circle, and then abruptly leaves, says the same thing. He doesn’t care about people. He shows no empathy. Demands loyalty, can’t be questioned. Takes what he can from his relationships and discards them like a nontrump card in richer. The rest of us see it as an illness, the base…well they enable his illness.

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Not at all. His concern is that trump uses his relationships. Transactional relationships mean has no one he shares a closeness with. It’s a cold relationship.

Have you been Chief of Staff? Get back to us after you have had that job. By the way, Trump has no hobbies and his main concern with the weather is if it musses his hair.

You have one nerve left, and I seem to be getting on it.

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No…His “complaint” is, Trump enters relationships with others to get something beneficial for himself, without regard to the other. Once one stops being beneficial, out to the curb they go.

Name one thing he has gotten.

You seem to think transactional is a synonym for conniving. It’s not.

Once someone is discovered to be working for the other side and against you, out to the curb they go is not a bad thing in the eyes of your side. It does offend the other side.

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Narcissistic supply. If he doesn’t get it, he casts others aside. To the curb.

If someone is not working for you, it doesn’t mean they are working against you. And thats Trumps deal, everything has to be about him, and for his benefit. “Whats in it for me”, nothing else matters.

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