Have drug cartels taken over large parts of rural California?

Seems the current pot laws in Cal are causing it to become like Mexico . With large parts not under the control of elected govt.

Listen to this sheriff talk about the growing illegal pot farms in his area, how they basically just kicked him off their land.

You are allowed to grow six plants but in these area they grow hundred in green houses.

The state with the most laws becoming lawless? From shop lifting to pot farms.

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Money talks.

No. The answer is no. Please stop asking silly questions.


How are California’s laws causing this? It sounds like the problem is people not following the law.

What did CA do to you?

california wine makers being replaced with more efficient ways to destroy your brain…


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I don’t think that’s accurate.

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People are fleeing that absolute ■■■■ hole by the millions. It’s not because of the pot though.

Go visit anyone living in California and tell them you’re thinking about moving out there. They’ll essentially ask if you’re stupid. :rofl:

It’s jealousy.

Another link.
Note: The video in the OP is from Epoch TV which is a part of The Epoch Times. The Epoch Times was reported to be the second largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising and Trump’s campaign.

Trust me, nobody is jealous of California. I have a good friend who lives in the northern part and there are only 2 reasons he hasn’t left, family, and his job. His job involves making sure the fire birds fly to help fight the fires. If not for those two things he would be gone.

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Yes. The answer is yes.

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Feinstein, Pelosi, Newsom, Boxer…


The fix is simple. Remove the regulation and make it just another cash crop.

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The laws cause it, because of the restriction to only 6 plants and the high fees for trying to get a commercial license.

Yes, people don’t follow laws. Especially in a state that does not enforce them…Obviously!

Oh, and they don’t follow the pesticide laws either. But who’s going to stop them?

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Exactly, but I think the dems here figure if you did that the wrong people might end up people growing it commercially. The wrong skin tone etc…

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Actually the laws and regs for legal growers are so onerous they opt to do it the outlaw way. Then the cartels step in.

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That’s kind of silly don’t you think. You need to stop the hate dude. Truth is not dependent on whether you have TDS or not…

You offered a video from a publication that has a political agenda. I linked to a article that says this might be about getting rid of a group of folks. You call your link the truth. I am wondering if that is true. Will we know for sure? Perhaps not.