Hating America?

You can’t have it both ways.

Of course I can Bob, but I’m not. Check your premise, there is no contradiction.

Go make me a sandwich. I like grilled cheese with tomato and bacon. Don’t use Colby.

Their defense and support of him has really tainted American Evangelism.

You’ll have to show me where that stuff is and how to do it.

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Omar wants our borders open, the American people and Trump don’t. That explains Omar’s demeanor towards us.


If you were paying attention…

Oh, never mind.

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Nope its based on observed reality.

Yes, she wants our borders open and she hates the American people for wanting the borders secured.

Gotta love the hopper. So naive it’s endearing.

Really, Omar is one sick in the head Politician for wanting open borders!

You look like the naive one.

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Ignoring the facts is standard for some of you but that’s ok it’s entertaining plus it
allows me to inject my thoughts towards these sick people like Omar.

Again it looks like you’re also naive.

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Good try hopper. Doesn’t make your case. Clear hyperbole. Why do you hate America?

So you think I hate America for defending it against these sick people pushing open border that hurts America like Omar?

I don’t know why you hate America. It just shows.

I don’t hate America, Obama hates America especially coming from Rev. Wrights church!

Obama will go down as the most disgusting President in American history with all those scandals still being investigated.

Your Supreme Leader Obama will pay for his crimes against the American people!

It doesn’t make his case? :rofl: The title alone makes his case.


So you do actually hate America after all. You’ve provided at least one reason, but I bet there’s more to it. Please elaborate.