Hate Speech and Violence

Maybe you and I have some things more in common than what I thought, but if Nebraska is a Conservative then I’m Gandhi! lol.

Please don’t post a picture of yourself in a loin cloth.

He is…cut from the same mold as me.

and what mold is that?

The same one that I described in my post 17 min ago.

Look don’t take me walking away from this conversation as me conceding or you winning. You are purposely being obtuse and objectiveless in you posting. This is yet another ploy in the uneducated conservatives bag of tricks. I have a 5 hour deposition tomorrow. I need sleep.

You know, I actually was starting to get some respect for you tonight, and would have been perfectly fine and cool with you going, and calling it a draw so to speak between us, but then you go say something like this “You are purposely being obtuse and objectiveless in you posting. This is yet another ploy in the uneducated conservatives bag of tricks.” and then I realize just how much of a hypocrite you truly are. lol. Good night!

That’s sort of how Hillary Clinton and her followers call people who voted for him Deplorables.

I’m just standing up for my beliefs and not backing down…like you so proudly said 2 hours ago.

Your quote. The fact is that you were being purposefully vague in your responses to me. Obtuse and you were not objectively looking at what I was saying…not giving it thought. Being obtuse.

Your quote
No. New Conservatives, aren’t afraid to stand up for themselves a lot more than the older ones.
We don’t have to be name callers or bullies, but we don’t have to be prim and proper all of the time either. Or prissy at times.

I’m not here for you to respect. I only want to try to make you look at all sides…instead of just the one side. Your comments to my responses only show your unwillingness to truly think about all sides.

This wasn’t being obtuse or objectiveless was it. I would hope you knew what I meant considering I have spent two hours explaining to you how you and I are 100% different in our views on what is conservative. When I said @NebraskaFootball and I were cut from the same mold you knew what that meant…2 hours! And this is what I get

and what mold is that?

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No she didn’t.

She said some of those supporters were deplorable.

Unfortunately if you got your info from right wing pundits you were told you were that and embrace it.

Now if had been given she was talking about the racist portion of his supporters I would not embrace it.

I’m so sorry to hear about your loss brother. You and yours will be in my prayers. Come back to us in due time. Take care of yourself my friend. Love that family of yours. Our time with those we love is quite precious.

Know this…i have no regrets, he knew I loved him, and I made the most of my time with him…and we have him one hell of a send off!

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That is great to hear my friend. It really is all one can ask for. :slight_smile:

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I’m sooo proud of you!!! You’re learning! You’re welcome.

You didn’t know it, but you let me teach you something, and now you just admitted to it.
Thank you. I feel………….Appreciated! lol.

At times I write paragraphs at a time. Overall, I tend to usually write more than thee usual sentence or less, or copy and paste things like a lot of people on here in general do. So I’m not really sure how I’m so “Vauge” in my responses? You’re not projecting being obtuse onto me are you? It’s ok. You’re part of thee Republican Establishment, therefore you’re a lot closer to thee left than I. They project things a lot also, because it is very hard for them to be original, and authentic.

Trust me, I know a lot more sides than what you’re ignorance and cockiness thinks I do.
See, that is thee major difference I believe between you as a so called Conservative, and myself. I’m not here for your respect either, but you could earn my respect over time, and I give that chance to almost everyone. No matter what you may think. Last night I honestly was trying to give you some respect, but than at the very end of the night the last thing you said had to have a negative attack/ put down upon me, and then you lost my respect. Sorry, but it’s a lot harder to get it back now, but at least I gave you thee shot. Where as an old Conservative, a lot of you simply demand respect, and don’t ever seem to give it in return.

I’m sorry that you can’t comprehend what I’m saying.

Look everyone! A Liberal Democrat, and Republican Establishment people agreeing!
That’s a shock! lmao! lol

Who is the liberal democrat?

I like Rush and all, but what 2 presidents that are father and son did he back?
You know the ones that granted Amnesty to millions upon millions of Illegal Immigrants?
Or George Bush Sr. and his wife that support Abortion, and George Bush Jr.'s Wife that supports it also? Reagan was awesome, but the Bush’s sucked. So I dunno why you’re talking about Conservatism in your 20’s, when back then Rush supported the Bush’s, and I’m guessing you did also? What do you think? Do you think if Rush today could go back, and talk to himself, what would he say about the Bush’s? How about Rush when Trump was first running and he was attacking Trump, and now he’s more on his side? hmmm? You talk about me being one sided. If Rush Limbaugh can come around, and he is a Conservative overall, than why can you and your friends, that are so called Conservatives? I guess you’d rather do more harm against Conservatism, than for it. Simply because of your blind ignorance to be open minded.
You believe in so called free trade, which is simply people like Obama, and the Bush’s being globalists and ultimately screwing America. I believe in Fair trade! Big difference. What do you think about open boarders?

You! duh! lol. I realize that you’re ganna say, blah blah blah. I’m not offiliated with any one party, and I didn’t vote. Blah blah blah. But when most of your thought process always leans towards what Liberal Democrats politically and voter wise preach, you’re probably a Democrat.

Hey! My brother says hi by the way. You don’t have to stop calling me Ducky Jr. I was actually starting to like it as a nickname. I was saving several duck pictures on my computer, and everything!

You really don’t get it do you?

Rush will say whatever his audience wants to hear.