Has the FBI become a state-sponsored terrorist organization?


No, it isn’t a “likely candidate.” It would never happen.

Assault is a violent crime, not a white-collar crime.

A year ago. With what may be understandable if not excusable circumstances? Unless he has other records of violence, that is nonsense. More likely it was done to show those semi fascists.a thing or two.

And the article says a summons to turn in is not limited to white collar crimes. “…popular perception is that they must be white-collar defendants…”

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Please quote where I said “excessive force”.

“What may be.”

Do you think the police shoukd be required to take what you imagine into account, when executing an arrest?

To the extent any of that matters, it’ll matter in court. It has nothing to do with how he was arrested.

Turn-in agreements come from having good lawyers. It’s never the default choice for an arrest.

No reason for that kind of arrest there unless the defendant had other instances of violent behavior.

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What other kinds of arrest are there?

A summons to turn yourself in. Read the article.

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Ok. Let’s start at the beginining:

When the federal government charges anyone with a crime, it’s rare that person will get to surrender peacefully at an arranged date and time without being subjected to a fright-inducing home raid by dozens of armed law enforcement officers and an embarrassing “perp walk” into the station or court.

Hmmmm… Ok, let’s keep going - skipping the awkward part:

That being said, even the rich and powerful don’t always get the benefit of a comfortable surrender. In fact, the decision on whether an individual gets to surrender peacefully depends on a host of factors, including money and influence. Considerations include the nature of the charges and whether it’s likely that the person would destroy evidence or present a safety risk, say experts interviewed by the ABA Journal. Who the individual’s lawyer is also plays a significant role in negotiating a summons, the experts say, and he or she should have negotiation skills, a good track record and perhaps a good relationship with the U.S. attorney’s office.

Wow, that sounds a lot like what I said before!

Ok. So a year since pushing someone, as far as we know.
Destroy evidence? What evidence was there for him to destroy?

“For law enforcement officials, shaming Blagojavich was a big reason why they conducted their early morning raid”.

Have to wonder if this is going to end up like the case of the highschool kids and the drum beating native American activist. Will it be a case of the accused approaching and assaulting the “victim” while “he” was escorting someone to and from the clinic entrance? Or will it be a case of the “victim” approaching the accused and initiating the encounter. One would be a federal violation, the other not something under federal jurisdiction.

Only time will tell.


The article references a video tape the family is trying to find.

Probably safely in the hands of their lawyer.

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In Houck’s case, he had already agreed to surrender peacefully. The raid was totally unnecessary.

It put Houck and his family at risk and wasted FBI resources. The raid only makes sense as a tool to terrorize political opponents.


They need the show. How else will they convince their useful idiots that the right is nothing but a bunch of white supremacist terrorists that require the Fuh Bee guys to show up en masse to take them in.

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I assure you that you have no idea.

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Did this man try to resist arrest? Seems most of the people you are crying about did not do what this man did. Answer his door and peacefully allow himself to be handcuffed and put in the car

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Seems it was not an assault since it was thrown out of court once.

Defund the FBI!!! Right???

All of the accounts of what happened in that article come from his Attorney and his Wife.
The FBI has issued a statement that those accounts were not what happened.
So it has become a he said, he said.

Yeah, I am skeptical too. He offered to suerender 3 months ago?

The “25 agents” comes from the wife. But now it’s 25-30. And SWAT wasn’t deployed.

But also, I am tired of the right whining when their criminals finally face the music.

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