Has the FBI become a state-sponsored terrorist organization?


No, it isn’t.


I assure you, I do.

excessive force | Wex | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute.

Why is it none of our more liberal posters cannot answer my question.

Why does it take 15 armed agents to arrest an individual who is charged with pushing another individual.

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Your question doesn’t mean anything.

It doesn’t take 15 armed agents to make an arrest, but it didn’t hurt, either.

Doc: you know this, but Ima say it anyway.

You are running up against the way the law works vs. the way Cons think it oughta be.

We saw this with the flurry of bogus law suits over the election that barely made it past the courthouse doors and again with how appalled they were that Trump was served a search warrant

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An in-group that the law protects, but does not bind - and an out-group that the law binds, but does not protect.

I know, I know.


Well, I would imagine that many agent really discourages the target from running or going full Amon Bundy.

Oh I bet if the situation was reversed you wouldn’t say the same thing.


I’ve imagined a scenario, and what you would do! So Ha!

Do you guys think about your posts before you make them?


So you cannot justify 15 armed agents for one guy. Got it

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I don’t need to “justify 15 armed agents.” I don’t care how many agents were there.

Why does it matter?

This type of thing is happening every day all across America. It’s not just a federal law enforcement problem.

Just curious is all, why it takes that many armed agents to pick up one guy. When sooooo many on the left are so concerned about over-zealous police and all.

Just odd to me that posters here that are of the liberal mindset don’t seem to have an issue here.

Oh wait, this guy was against abortion so that makes it ok.

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I think you’re not understanding what we’ve been upset about.

When we talk about the police and excessive force, we’re usually talking about when cops beat up or kill people. We’re not talking about “there were too many cops there, for a polite and uneventful arrest!”


No, not normally. But they do work that way when it makes sense. Is a year old assault charge not a likely candidate?
And sometime the purpose is for a public shaming…as in a political case. Example given, governor Blagojevich.

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No, it isn’t a “likely candidate.” It would never happen.

Assault is a violent crime, not a white-collar crime.

A year ago. With what may be understandable if not excusable circumstances? Unless he has other records of violence, that is nonsense. More likely it was done to show those semi fascists.a thing or two.

And the article says a summons to turn in is not limited to white collar crimes. “…popular perception is that they must be white-collar defendants…”

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Please quote where I said “excessive force”.

“What may be.”

Do you think the police shoukd be required to take what you imagine into account, when executing an arrest?

To the extent any of that matters, it’ll matter in court. It has nothing to do with how he was arrested.

Turn-in agreements come from having good lawyers. It’s never the default choice for an arrest.

No reason for that kind of arrest there unless the defendant had other instances of violent behavior.

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What other kinds of arrest are there?