HARRIS UNHINGED: Sen. Harris Defends ‘IDENTITY POLITICS,’ Says She ‘Won’t be Silenced’

Originally published at: HARRIS UNHINGED: Sen. Harris Defends ‘IDENTITY POLITICS,’ Says She ‘Won’t be Silenced’ | Sean Hannity

Liberal Senator and potential 2020 hopeful Kamala Harris issued a full-throated defense of her brand of “identity politics” over the weekend, saying she “won’t be silenced” while standing up for “equal opportunity” for all Americans.

Harris was speaking at the Netroots Nation Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana when she called-out those critical of “identity politics,” claiming the phrase was simply used to try and “shut us up.”

“I have a problem, guys, with that phrase, ‘identity politics,’” Harris said. “Because let’s be clear, when people say that, it’s a pejorative. That phrase is used to divide, and it is used to distract. Its purpose is to minimize and marginalize issues that impact all of us. It is used to try and shut us up.”

“We won’t be silent about immigrant rights. We won’t be silent about a woman’s right to control her own body. We will not be silent about equal opportunity and equal justice under the law,” she said.

Harrisvis a goofball trained by goofball Biden. She makes no ■■■■■■■ sense, ever.

Here is her latest word salad

“And so for years we have worked to expand investment in community banks because, you see, community banks specialize in providing loans and financial assistance to small business owners, in particular those in overlooked and underserved communities, including rural communities. And as the name suggests, community banks are in the community,” the VP Giggles Harris proclaimed.

GIGGLES harris gaff factory:

Was the Biden/Harris One Face Pony Soldier Show really elected?
God help America from morons