Harris Faulkner, a class act

It isn’t a contest of who knows what? I want to learn more but the sources you mentioned, doesn’t do that.

That’s exactly what all the anti Semites have said for a hundred years. It’s the central conceit of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


No, the real anit Semites would be saying “Soros is a Jew and therefore he is trying to take over the world”, not that Soros is donating a lot of money to the left.

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Stop hiding behind calling the truth a conspiracy theory. The leftists spent 4 years of fake conspiracy theory and it was just made up lies, illegal lies, Treasonous lies.

George Soros is the most evil man on earth.
Kubrick used an old Viennese novel, Dream Story, to make, Eyes Wide Shut. It was created to expose the Global Elite monster cult…he wanted people to open their eyes. Kubrick was the most brilliant person alive. He passed away a few days after giving the film to the studio in 1999. I would recommend watching the film, until you understand it.

Then you are really confused. The OP was not triggered by the mention of Soros, he was “triggered” by the censorship of Gingrich.

You are also misinterpreting your own laughter. That’s not because you think it’s funny, it’s because you are trying to cover for the fact that you have no viable response to the act it of censorship.

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Yes … that would have been the appropriate thing for Faulkner to ask Gingrich instead of shutting him down. My guess is that Gingrich has the significant knowledge regarding Soros’s clandestine operations.

Soros is Jewish.

What do you call someone who tweets a puppet master trope about a jewish person?

No, he doesn’t. Or he would have published it.

And faulkner, and the producer in her ear knew Gingrinch couldn’t back up the claims, and knew it was a dog whistle, and shut him down.


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Gingrich did no such thing. He said Soros backed DA’s are allowing riots to happed. The label of “Soros the Jew” came from the commentator who presented the clip. There is zero evidence that Gingrich subscribes to the “its the Jews” conspiracy.

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how is mentioning the truth about soros “anti-semitic”?

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Was he asked for proof? No he was cut off from saying anything further about Soros.

Sure, his use of the German word verboten is proof that he is an anti Semitic who thinks Jews are trying to take over the world. And you libs have the gall to accuse conservatives of being conspiracy minded. What a ■■■■■■■ joke! :roll_eyes:


Are you implying that Gingrich gets his knowledge and wisdom from the Internet? Talk about being naive.

Speak for yourself.

He said soros funded the riots, didn’t he?

And he slipped in a verboten when it was suggested that soros had nothing to do with it.

Being of Jewish heritage does not make one a Jew. But to your point (if one can call it that) being a Jew (or not) does not give one immunity from being criticized for one’s actions. If Soros is doing what he has been accused of doing, then that is a legitimate discussion regardless of his heritage.

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Did you expect anything less? :wink:

Left has been doing that about Trump, sot the puppet master image is not something that offends them.

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Yes, it does. That’s exactly how it works.

His mother was Jewish, therefore he is Jewish.

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