Harris drops out

Probably one of his kids.

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We just have to call Joe Biden the Micheal Jackson of politics.

Ok, ok, ok…you’re a Biden supporter and orange man baaa, baaa, baaad. We all get that. :sunglasses:

Makes sense

Surprised she hasn’t accused everyone of racism/sexism etc. But it’s still early thou.

Democratics aren’t ready for a woman of color.

LOL! Old white billionaire heterosexual male undermines campaign of black woman in the democratic party!

Dear Lord just when I can’t think Biden cant get any creeper I am seeing headlines like this, “Creepy Joe Nibbles On Wife’s Finger At Campaign Stop In Iowa” I didn’t know there was a picture :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:


And to think he’s the best and brightest they have.

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Yeah he can’t even stop and think about optics especially even given the direct criticisms. His judgement and actions are of one afflicted with dementia.

You’re welcome.

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And a clown car it is. :wink:

Your obvious loathing of AG Barr comes as a result of what exactly?

After getting some major appointments and boosts up from Willie Brown.

Without that nobody would have heard of Kamala at this point.

Don’t believe it then check it out.

Hilarious that the racist/sexist dimocrats chased her from the race while letting biden Magoo his way through this.

He better apologize for being white again.

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Except for Oprah or Michelle Obama.

And she was a horribly flawed candidate from the start. Her record in CA was the kiss of death from the beginning.

They need to keep Warren in since she is their last woman of color.


The smart thing to do! She has always been my first choice. If the Democratic Nominee goes on to win against the worst president ever, stupid Trump, then I hope whoever that is seriously considers Kamala for their AG appointment!

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