Happy Columbus Day!

Right Asians. There is all this tundra area.


There are Arabic Asians. And Indian Asians. And Oriental Asians. And Caucasian Asians (Russian, Siberian, etc.)

Maybe think cauc-asian. That should help.

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Actually Columbus first landed on an island in the Bahamas.
The Hispaniola landing came much later.

Interesting article.

"I think that the human presence during the Last Glacial Maximum was extremely diverse, and there were multiple arrivals from multiple directions,” he says. “I believe humans were culturally diverse and potentially genetically diverse. There was no such thing as a single arrival.”


I assume The Smithsonian is an acceptable source around here to talk about human tool marks on bones 130,000 years ago.

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Very cool. @SixFoot is going to love that

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Yep there he is :blush:

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I would hope so. Since it isn’t some political thing.


We don’t even have a slither of understanding of our full histories on this planet as a species.

I was taught in school that the Sumerians invented sewage and aqueduct systems about 5,000 years ago, yet here they are in megalithic settlements dating back almost 12,000 years ago.


White man’s name for them. Their DNA says they their origin is Asia. They are Asian, not Chinese. Chinese is a nationality.

What? You don’t believe that DNA is scientific? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Stay on track. We are talking about the first inhabitants of the Americas who came here from Asia … the people who European explorers called Indians because they mistakenly believed they were in the Indies. The fact is, the West Indies are called that today because of their error.

He is on track. He was agreeing with you, i am pretty sure.

Wait hold on do you actually think they were sino-Asians?

This is to add to the conversation

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No. The genetic studies I’ve seen suggests that the American Asians (aka Indians) and the Sino Asians share a mutual ancestry.

Yes i have read that. Makes sense

I think that it’s a whole lot of mix as people migrated eastward and some westward.

Right. They weren’t Chinese.

Cool. Stay on track.

The West Indies is about American Indians and Columbus et al. In other words, it is on track.

Is it?

Yeah how’d they make out?