Happy Columbus Day!

Yeah yeah, grumpy ol’ Christopher and his stupid holiday. Vikings beat him by centuries anyway. :rofl:

At least it stuck on the second go. :wink:


Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day you racist!



That’s pretty good

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You know, that helpful fellow who went around telling everyone about this whole other side of the planet being wasted on stone age tools and savages who loved to mutilate each other before stealing their women and children.

If not for him, this land would still be nothing more than a jungle that gets snow every winter. :wink:

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And the world would have no one to blame.


Columbus never saw what became the US.

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Not all heroes wear capes. Some sail ships. :rofl:


He would be weeping…

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FDR again, that dumbass. Oh and LRJ.

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only if some other discoverer were first so things would be so so so much different.

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Well, the Vikings got run off by violent natives. If only they had guns. lol


those racists!!!

now i cant enjoy Thanksgiving

< throws fork >

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Right? All they had to do was trade their superior weapons and armor for stone age trinkets so the natives could kill other natives. They deserved what they got for being so greedy. :rofl:

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they brought with them a better way of life!

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Beat me to it. Columbus on his many voyages never set foot on the continent of North America.
Ponce de Leon was the first European to set foot on “La Florida” in 1513. But everyone knows these facts right? It was taught to us Boomers in grade school. It’s still in the curriculums in school today isn’t it? :rofl:

North America was Vikings.

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I like this simple yet true statement of Columbus that I found online.

Columbus has been viewed as an intrepid explorer, a monster, and a slave trader who unleashed horrors and conquest upon unsuspecting natives. However, scholars note he had both admirable qualities and negative ones: he was brave but a flawed human being.

Obviously as with all historical figures you cannot judge Columbus through the prism of what is acceptable today.

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“It’s my estimation that every man ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sumbitch or another.”

–Captain Malcolm Reynolds




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