HANNITY: Robert Mueller Has Been ‘FUELING’ the Destroy-Trump Media for Nearly Two Years | Sean Hannity

Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Thursday night, Sean weighed-in on Robert Mueller’s next move; saying the special counsel should have no problem “getting a job at the DNC” after he finally wraps-up his never-ending investigation.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/hannity-robert-mueller-has-been-fueling-the-destroy-trump-media-for-nearly-two-years/?fbclid=IwAR0r2OOjUB7X__SG7oxtXEmoTx7LH3Nkws8kqPuediydc1kld3huGDL_n8w