HANNITY: Deep State Has Been Plotting Trump Impeachment Since Election Day 2016

Originally published at: HANNITY: Deep State Has Been Plotting Trump Impeachment Since Election Day 2016 | Sean Hannity

Speaking during his opening monologue on ‘Hannity’ Wednesday night, Sean weighed-in on the Democrats’ impeachment vote; saying the entire process is nothing more than a “pathetic, divisive, and dangerous political stunt.”

“Democrats have been hell-bent on ripping this country apart for three straight years… This has resulted in the most pathetic, divisive, dangerous political stunt in American history,” said Hannity.

“It’s nothing but a revolting charade based on nothing… What they’ve been up to for three long years has been hurting the country… All these people have done is lie,” he added.

Watch Hannity’s opening monologue above.