Haley Stevens - D Michiganstan - Whackjob

It’s not what she said. It’s the fact that she looked and acted like a lunatic. She doesn’t appear to have full control of her emotions and has zero respect for the house rules. In other words. She’s a freaking dingbat.


Act like a crazy person until everyone else gives in… you like that?


Woman show passion, she has lost control of her emotions, and is a dingbat.

Man shows passion, and he is a charismatic leader.

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Again, what did she say that you object to? She only started yelling when they wanted her to end her speech.

You like her being passionate, but she only erupts when she has to follow the rules… yet you say you don’t like her breaking the rules, so I’m trying to figure out your point.

In your opinion. But you appear to be sexist. I have three daughters so I take offense to your anti woman hate.

Sometimes, one has to break the rules.

Hell, the US was pretty much founded on the idea of breaking the rules, to make a point.

Joe Wilson yells, it’s uncivilized and a breach of ethics and he gets censured.

Democrat does it, it gets celebrated. ■■■■■■■ hypocrites.

And yes, that’s directed at you. You’re a major hypocrite.

Whoa…you are comparing the Wilson incident, interrupting the SOTU speech, where he called the POTUS a liar…to this?

Holy crap.

That is too much partisanship for one post. It might blow up.

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Ahh, so breaking the rules is only ok when a democrat does it. Awesome.

Where did I say that gain?

In your last post. Where have you ever ever defended a republican?

I defended McCain when he put his thumb down on the ACA vote.

Of course you did because he was agreeing with you and your agenda. :rofl:

The rest of the time I bet you didn’t defend a thing he did. :wink:

Many of these so-called representatives are nothing special. Bunch of egotistical, self absorbed whack jobs.

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Actually, McCain was an OK Republican. I disagreed wit him most of the time…but I do think he was a god man.

She’s not a POC from what I could tell. Until Elizabeth Warren can give her pointers on how to adopt a tribe, the best I am afraid she can do is honorable mention. The pink gloves didn’t have the same flare as the infamous knitted pink cap. Had she sported the all white state of the union costume, the pink gloves would have been a striking accessory.
That said, she does have a decent amount of the required untreated hormonal imbalance.

Man, that AOC rant was awesome. Claiming it was a 100% partisan corporate bailout when every dem voted for it.

She’s a nut job.

I chalk it up to a whole generation of people having been given everything they ever wanted and not knowing how to deal when they don’t get their way.

Not just women that do this. It’s kind of a young person’s thing.

With the feminization of the American white male lib, I’m hard put to argue with this.

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