Gun Free Zones, the 2A and Men

Better too late than never?


Currently, a mere 1.5 percent of the civilian population has a license to own a gun.

Israeli law allows citizens to carry weapons under certain conditions, but gun ownership in the country remains low, around 2 percent, compared with the 30 percent of Americans who own a gun.

Israel reportedly has some of the better public security forces in the world. Yet it didn’t save them. One report I read said it went on for 6 hours. The savages left of their own accord.

A country that has been attacked since it’s inception made the decision to disarm its citizens. The citizens of that country made the decision to allow it.

“nObOdy neEds aN asSauLt riFLe!”


You think it can’t happen here? That there aren’t savages loose in this country?

Any man who abidicates his right to defend himself and his family to a nameless, faceless government is no man at all.

I wonder what thought ran through their minds right before they died? “Where’s my government? They promised!”

I wonder what they would have given…


Why do you live in fear??? /S

If you ask some of our fellow posters, the only terrorists we need to worry about is those that fly in. There is no way they would try to cross the southern border, that would be too difficult and the odds of getting caught are too high.



Yes, and our Patriots should be learning to fly drones into targets…

about 30 years ago when I visited Israel it seemed that every 5th person was in uniform openly carrying an uzi… (this was a few months after the 1st Persian Gulf War) … the streets didn’t feel like there was an open threat of Islamic terrorists attacking the public, but it has always been there…

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Been a lot of feminization of males in the last 30 years.

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Strong, engaged fathers prevent this from happening to their sons.

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Pretty good case for an armed populace.

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This is a text book example of why the concept of the unorganized militia, the Minute Man, is just as valid today, as it was over 2 centuries ago. Every home should have had a rifle, and 3 combat loads of ammo, for each member of the household old enough to physically handle a weapon, stored in their safe room/bunker. In a community of 1,000, that would mean at least 500 armed personnel to fight off an attack.


Handle your business, Man.

Might be a knight.

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He’ll probably get jail time, but not even feel bad about it.

If that was me and I went to prison for it, I’d be the proudest MFer in there.


This could have been avoided if she’d had a gun to protect herself. Then again, maybe she couldn’t pass a background check. How do you defend yourself then?

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LEOs can’t be everywhere. They’re not even a deterrent anymore people don’t even respect them. Their authority has been undermined by lunatic politicians so the cop’s job is writing reports after the fact in incidents like these.
Until law enforcement is allowed to do just that and prosecutors put law breakers in prison and away from a civil society?
It will only get worse.

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Dad has some ‘splainin’ to do. I wouldn’t have shot the scumbag but his life in a wheelchair unable to procreate would be constant reminder that you don’t disrespect women.

Perhaps …perhaps not. From the article:

“Officers then found the alleged attacker and the daughter’s father and had both transported for treatment of their gunshot wounds.”

That suggests that the attacker was also armed and shot the father.