GSA agrees Biden is president elect

Biden won a pyrrhic victory thanks to a virus that has confounded the world.

Trump vaccine gets done just beyond time for election credit.

Problem for Biden is he has to lead and he has a ruthlessly ambitious VP looking over his shoulder.

Fun times as the virus bill comes due. Trump will thank this turn of fate soon.

ā€˜You didnā€™t knock me down, Ray.ā€™

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And then lie to the American people about it.



I believe that is what truly did Trump in. And thatā€™s all Iā€™m gonna say about it.

Look out for the ā€œVictim Tour 2021ā€ coming to a venue near you.


Trump thanks no one or no thing. Not the least of which is fate.

Yeah if he handled it like a leader with even a halfway competent approach and he would of won hands down.


Yepā€¦it was a gross miscalculation on his part. His incompetence and those who bought into his nonsense is the reason why Trump loss. So instead of blaming all the anti-Trump people Trump and his flock need to be looking in the mirror. They helped him failed by catering to his nonsense, not holding him accountable, he then turn around and failed the United States.
From now and all through next year people going to have to deal with the Excuses Tour


ANDā€¦ here they come.

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The loss is a massive narcissistic injury. He must compensate to save his psyche. To do so, he will hold the Republican Party hostage with the threat to run in 2024. He will keep his minions, and scare the ā– ā– ā– ā–  out of the rest of the party. Itā€™s all about him.


Or heā€™s still out golfing and others are handling it.

During the G20 summit, he left just as COVID was to be discussed.

Then wasted more taxpayer money pout golfing.


Oh no. It was and still is a hoax.

He canā€™t make any money off COVID so thereā€™s nothing to discuss.


If he just had just let the PPP money that was already approved get used up or sent the stimulus checks he claimed he wanted to, heā€™d have been re-elected, and weā€™d have less covid.

Instead he freaked out and held weird ass super spreader rallies



This that BS heā€™s been getting away with for all of his presidency. Him not being president elect is his fault along with his supporters. Lazy thinking and lack of accountability has consequences.


Yeah. Remember when he criticized his predecessor for that? Then proceeded to blow him away at it by leaps and bounds once he got into office. Funny how that works. And suddenly ā€œRepublicansā€ were cool with it.

He could tell leaders that for $50, one could get a MAGA hat and a vaccine.

Spent more time on the links the past 3 3/4 years than Obama did in 8.