Greta Thunberg is Right


I contributed to the Celtics’ championships in the GOAT years.

Team doctor?

Cheered from the couch.


What criteria are you using as the base level to express “excess carbon”? Geologically, atmospheric CO2 has been between about 100 ppm to 4000 ppm for most of Earth’s existence. It’s been between about 180 ppm and 1600 ppm just in the last million years. On that scale, 420 ppm (or whatever it is now) is at the low end of the historical range.


Why don’t they protest Xi, China is melting the planet meanwhile Germany is one of the leading countries on emission controls.

I thought 98% of people already agreed that it is real (although, not on that it’s a crisis.) With that kind of a majority, why aren’t you © doing anything about it? You can’t possibly be blaming the inaction on the 2%, can you?

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These guys want everyone to accept reality. Well, if that’s the case, they should accept the reality that the US could reduce carbon emissions to zero and it would not lessen the projected rise in global temperatures at the end of the century by more than about 0.1C. Of course, destroying the US is part of the plan, so there is that to consider in their position.


According to IPCC
If nothing changes oceans will rise 13 inches in 100 years. NOt much of a crises.

Besides the earth is warming anyway
Since man creates almost 50% of the “excess” C02 this equates roughly to . . .
if we kill every man woman and child today the sea level rises 13 inches in 100-200 years later. . . . Right back to a level its been many times before.

However, since the greenies do not actually advocate extinguishing humanity, their agenda won’t actually push things back 100-200 years. How far back will the greena genda actually push things back?? I dunno 50-100 years maybe.

Science says their agenda won’t accomplish what they want to accomplish.
Like demanding "Paint my house and give me a pay raise to prevent global warming. One has nothing to do with the other. It’s just an agenda someone wanted in the first place.

Then accept this reality … the US could reduce our carbon emissions to zero and it wouldn’t make a perceptible difference to global temperature at the end of the century.

Besides, this is a Representative Democracy. NO decision requires unanimous agreement. You already have the majority (or so I hear.) Quite blaming the minority for your inaction.

He is going to give up his air conditioning the very second every person in America admits man made climate change is real, me too.

xi jinping good one

The reality is that even if we adopt the entire eco-left agenda it wouldn’t make a difference. Might as well say “global warming is real so rearrange some deck chairs, write me a check and do all the things I wanted done before I said it is real.”

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You just don’t get it, if we set the example and cripple our economy in the name of climate change other countries like China, India and Russia will be so impressed they in turn will be eager to be poor and follow our lead.


It’s not a crisis. The sky is not falling.

If it really was, the democrats would have actually fixed it when they controlled the ENTIRE GOVERNMENT for 2 years!

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The fall of Western civilization happened slowly at first, and then all at once.

Burp-catching mask for gassy cows, designed to reduce methane emissions and slow down climate change, wins prestigious Prince Charles prize . . .

A single dairy cow can produce up to 130 gallons of methane per day. And their burps account for 95% of a cow’s methane emissions. There are approximately one billion cattle worldwide.

Wow, good thing we killed all the buffalo I guess.

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Trivia fact
Bison are no longer an endangered species.
BUT . . . since their population is only 30,000 they lack genetic diversity and are labeled “near threatened” because a single epidemic could wipe them out.

Hmm maybe we should start putting masks on Buffalo you know, for their own protection.


Keep fighting Joe.
Hold their feet to the fire!!

Synop (Sen Joe Manchin gives a short list of times he has supported GOP positions on spending issues and then expresses disappointment that “they did not fight hard enough” on permitting reform.)

Shouldn’t she be home watching blue clues instead of being groomed for a position in Letzte Generation.