Gotta add in that would mean pumping water more than 500 miles uphill about 5000 feet through two other states (California and Nevada). Also hard to imagine Utah being dependent on California for its very survival.
Ok, how so? Pumping salt water into a salt bed is stupid? You are aware there are thousands of miles of pipelines that traverse the country carrying oil,gas and water correct?
It is happening in several places on the globe. (Aral sea)
When you
a.) pump water out of an underground aquifer that sustains a lake
b) spray it on agricultural land where a large portion of it evaporates and/or gets absorbed into plants
c.) There is not as much water to sustain the lake as there was before.
What does this have to do with the fact that Utah is in desperate need for water from the lake for its water needs and is now considering extraordinary measures to save it from going dry?
My maps show the lake rapidly emptying over the past 35 years. Which is why Utah is desperately looking for solutions for their water woes. Why is this complicated?
You do realize that they do not actually take much if any drinking water from the lake itself, right? They do take it from some of the streams coming in as well as nearby reservoirs and many wells from ground water.