Great Salt Lake becoming the Great Toxic Dustbowl

I see no reason people would have to leave, it’s dead simple to pull water from the air.

Instead of pimping “green hopes lies and bull ■■■■■■ there are solutions

But waste Uber billions on dumb stuff :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Easier solution.

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I’m glad I’m not the only one that wondered about this. I was beginning to think I was an idiot. There must be some logistical problem that I’m not aware of. But I’ve never seen this brought up, so I stayed quiet.

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The green crowd gets upset by the concentrated salt brine.

Ship it to the east coast. They could use it. That’s the same crap they use on the roadways, isn’t it?

166 dollars a month for water for a family of five? That’s not cheap lol, and far more than any farm could afford give they use probably a thousand times more than people using it to drink and bathe.

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It’s California.


Environmentalists say desalination decimates ocean life, costs too much money and energy, and soon will be made obsolete by water recycling. But as Western states face an epic drought, regulators appear ready to approve a desalination plant in Huntington Beach, California.

After spending 22 years and $100 million navigating a thicket of state regulations and environmentalists’ challenges, Poseidon Water is down to one major regulatory hurdle - the California Coastal Commission. The company feels confident enough to talk of breaking ground by the end of next year on the $1.4 billion plant that would produce some 50 million gallons of drinking water daily.

Well, I sure do agree that it was stupid of us to stand up a huge agricultural industry in the middle of the desert, and we sure do need to look at this. But this is becoming a national emergency, and we need to get it done.

I drove by a lot of this in Arizona
I thought “this is probably a bad idea.”

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Poor word choice?


Regardless of the solution, in the case of the Great Salt lake? A pipeline from the Pacific to the lake should have been built years ago.
J’Biden and his ilk with their “shovel ready high paying union jobs” bull ■■■■ and the $$$ billions of wasted taxpayers money?

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“water recycling”

Also known as feeding public water consumers their own piss.


Dump it into the Great Salt lake?

Astronauts have been drinking recycled piss since about forever.

And guess what.

At some point in history, animals have taken a piss or a dump in every molecule of water that exists on the Earth.

Literally every drop of water in our bodies and every drop of water we have ever drank has contained animal feces or piss at some point.

Yeah- costly for a family, impossibly expensive for agriculture. Bottom line there shouldn’t be Ag in the deserts of Utah and frankly a lot of the West.

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That would be phenomenally stupid.

Well when praying for rain doesn’t work…

But yeah they are definitely considering it. The cost will likely be prohibitive without Federal money allocated for it.

Then drink public piss and be sure to thank (D)addy. :rofl: